
JSON Web Token based Authentication powered by Keycloak
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JSON Web Token based Authentication powered by Keycloak

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  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. API
  5. Example
  6. Migration Guides
  7. Developing and Testing
  8. Contribution


hapi-auth-keycloak is a plugin for hapi.js which enables to protect your endpoints in a smart but professional manner using Keycloak as authentication service. It is inspired by the related express.js middleware. The plugin validates the passed Bearer token offline with a provided public key or online with help of the Keycloak server. Optionally, the successfully validated tokens and the related user data get cached using catbox. The caching enables a fast processing even though the user data don't get changed until the token expires. Furthermore it is possible to enable an api key interceptor proxying the request to an api key service which returns the temporary bearer token. It plays well with the hapi.js-integrated authentication/authorization feature. Besides the authentication strategy it is possible to validate tokens by yourself, e.g. to authenticate incoming websocket or queue messages, and to register/use multiple strategies via jscheffner/hapi-auth-any.

The modules standard and ava are used to grant a high quality implementation.


Major Release hapi.js version node version
v5 >=18.4 @hapi/hapi >=12
v4.1 >=18.3.1 @hapi/hapi >=8
v4 >=18 hapi >=8
v3 >=17 hapi >=8
v2 >=12 hapi >=6


For installation use npm:

$ npm install --save hapi-auth-keycloak

or clone the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/felixheck/hapi-auth-keycloak



First you have to import the module:

const authKeycloak = require("hapi-auth-keycloak");

Create hapi server

Afterwards create your hapi server if not already done:

const hapi = require("@hapi/hapi");

const server = hapi.server({ port: 8888 });


Finally register the plugin, set the correct options and the authentication strategy:

await server.register({ plugin: authKeycloak });

server.auth.strategy("keycloak-jwt", "keycloak-jwt", {
  realmUrl: "https://localhost:8080/auth/realms/testme",
  clientId: "foobar",
  minTimeBetweenJwksRequests: 15,
  cache: true,
  userInfo: ["name", "email"],

Route Configuration & Scope

Define your routes and add keycloak-jwt when necessary. It is possible to define the necessary scope like documented by the express.js middleware:

  • To secure an endpoint with a resource's role , use the role name (e.g. editor).
  • To secure an endpoint with another resource's role, prefix the role name (e.g. other-resource:creator)
  • To secure an endpoint with a realm role, prefix the role name with realm: (e.g. realm:admin).
  • To secure an endpoint with fine-grained scope definitions, prefix the Keycloak scopes with scope: (e.g. scope:foo.READ).
  • To secure an endpoint with a OAuth2 client scope, prefix the client scope with clientscope: (e.g. clientscope:profile).
    method: "GET",
    path: "/",
    config: {
      description: "protected endpoint",
      auth: {
        strategies: ["keycloak-jwt"],
        access: {
          scope: [
      handler() {
        return "hello world";


Plugin Options

  • apiKey {Object} — The options object enabling an api key service as middleware
    Optional. Default: undefined.

    • url {string} — The absolute url to be requested. It's possible to use a pupa template with placeholders called realm and clientId getting rendered based on the passed plugin-related options.
      Example: http://barfoo.com/foo/{clientId}

    • in {string} — Whether the api key is placed in the headers or query.
      Allowed values: headers & query
      Optional. Default: headers.

    • name {string} — The name of the related headers field or query key.
      Optional. Default: authorization.

    • prefix {string} — An optional prefix of the related api key value. Mind a trailing space if necessary.
      Optional. Default: Api-Key.

    • tokenPath {string} — The path to the access token in the response its body as dot notation.
      Optional. Default: access_token.

    • request {Object} – The detailed request options for got.
      Optional. Default: {}

Plugin + Strategy Options

These options can be set in both ways: strategy-specific and as default for all strategies via plugin-specific options. When defining just one strategy, it's totally fine to set the whole option object as plugin options. Keep in mind that name needs to be unique for each strategy, default is default.

By default, the Keycloak server has built-in two ways to authenticate the client: client ID and client secret (1), or with a signed JWT (2). This plugin supports both. If a non-live strategy is used, ensure that the identifier of the related realm key is included in their header as kid. Check the description of secret/publicKey/entitlement and the terminology for further information.

Strategies Online* Live** Scopes Truthy Option Note
(1) + (2) publicKey fast
(1) + (2) x flexible
(1) x x secret accurate
(1) + (2) x x x entitlement fine-grained

*: Plugin interacts with the Keycloak API
> **: Plugin validates token with help of the Keycloak API

Please mind that the accurate strategy is 4-5x faster than the fine-grained one.
> Hint: If you define neither secret nor public nor entitlement, the plugin retrieves the public key itself from {realmUrl}/protocol/openid-connect/certs.

  • name {string} – The unique name of the strategy
    Required. Example BizApps

  • realmUrl {string} – The absolute uri of the Keycloak realm.
    Required. Example: https://localhost:8080/auth/realms/testme

  • clientId {string} – The identifier of the Keycloak client/application.
    Required. Example: foobar

  • secret {string} – The related secret of the Keycloak client/application.
    Defining this option enables the traditional method described in the OAuth2 specification and performs an introspect request.
    Optional. Example: 1234-bar-4321-foo

  • publicKey {string|Buffer|Object} – The realm its public key related to the private key used to sign the token.
    Defining this option enables the offline and non-live validation. The public key has to be in PEM ({string|Buffer}) or JWK ({Object}) format. Algorithm has to be RSA-SHA256 compatible.

  • entitlement {boolean=true} – The token should be validated with the entitlement API to enable fine-grained authorization. Enabling this option decelerates the process marginally. Mind that false is an invalid value.
    Optional. Default: undefined.

  • minTimeBetweenJwksRequests {number} – The minimum time between JWKS requests in seconds.
    This is relevant for the online/non-live strategy retrieving JWKS from the Keycloak server.
    The value have to be a positive integer.
    Optional. Default: 0.

  • userInfo {Array.<?string>} — List of properties which should be included in the request.auth.credentials object besides scope and sub.
    Optional. Default: [].

  • cache {Object|boolean} — The configuration of the hapi.js cache powered by catbox. If the property exp ('expires at') is undefined, the plugin uses 60 seconds as default TTL. Otherwise the cache entry expires as soon as the token itself expires.
    Please mind that an enabled cache leads to disabled live validation after the related token is cached once.
    If false the cache is disabled. Use true or an empty object ({}) to use the built-in default cache. Otherwise just drop in your own cache configuration.
    Optional. Default: false.

await server.kjwt.validate(field {string}, name {string})

  • field {string} — The Bearer field, including the scheme (bearer) itself.
    Example: bearer 12345.abcde.67890.
  • name {string} — The name strategy option, to select the strategy to be used.
    Example: BizApps.

If an error occurs, it gets thrown — so take care and implement a kind of catching.
If the token is invalid, the result is false. Otherwise it is an object containing all relevant credentials.



async function register(server, options) {
      method: "GET",
      path: "/",
      config: {
        auth: {
          strategies: ["keycloak-jwt"],
          access: {
            scope: [
        handler(req, reply) {

module.exports = {
  name: "example-routes",
  version: "0.0.1",


const hapi = require("@hapi/hapi");
const authKeycloak = require("hapi-auth-keycloak");
const routes = require("./routes");

const server = hapi.server({ port: 3000 });

const pluginOptions = {
  apiKey: {
    url: "http://barfoo.com/foo/foobar",

const strategyOptions = {
  realmUrl: "https://localhost:8080/auth/realms/testme",
  clientId: "foobar",
  minTimeBetweenJwksRequests: 15,
  cache: true,
  userInfo: ["name", "email"],

process.on("SIGINT", async () => {
  try {
    await server.stop();
  } catch (err) {
    process.exit(err ? 1 : 0);

(async () => {
  try {
    await server.register({
      plugin: authKeycloak,
      options: pluginOptions,
    server.auth.strategy("keycloak-jwt", "keycloak-jwt", strategyOptions);
    await server.register({ plugin: routes });
    await server.start();
    console.log("Server started successfully");
  } catch (err) {

Migration Guides

v4.2 to v4.3


  • It's now possible to register multiple strategies with the same scheme keycloak-jwt


  • name is a new unique strategy-related option.
  • apiKey.url its placeholders are replaced with plugin-related options, not the unique strategy ones.
  • The option setup changed. All plugin-related options are used as defaults for strategy-related options.
  • Even though every strategy-related option can also set via the plugin options, apiKey can only be set once in the plugin options.

In case of multiple registered strategies for this scheme:

  • Use at least a different name option in each strategy.
  • server.kjwt.validate requires name as second argument


Developing and Testing

First you have to install all dependencies:

$ npm install

To execute all unit tests once, use:

$ npm test

or to run tests based on file watcher, use:

$ npm start

To get information about the test coverage, use:

$ npm run coverage


Fork this repository and push in your ideas.

Do not forget to add corresponding tests to keep up 100% test coverage.
For further information read the contributing guideline.

npm i hapi-auth-keycloak


  • MIT
  • >=12
  • Felix Heck
  • released 9/11/2021

