
Simple Bearer authentication plugin. Accepts as access_token as query param also.
hapi plugin auth bearer access_token

hapi auth bearer token

Build Status

[Release Notes] @hapi/hapi, joi, and @hapi/boom are all now peer dependencies to allow maximum flexibility. A reference to joi is now required as opposed to the older @hapi/joi.

For hapi 17.x and above used in combination with the new joi v17.x package. Requires Node 12 or greater.

Note: For hapi v17 and above implementations using @hapi/joi, it is recommended to use Version 6.x.x of this module.

Note: For hapi versions below v17, you must use versions v5.x.x of this module.

Lead Maintainer: John Brett

Bearer authentication requires validating a token passed in by bearer authorization header or query parameter.

This module creates a 'bearer-access-token' scheme takes the following options:

  • validate - (required) a token validation function with the signature [async] function(request, token, h) where:
    • request - is the hapi request object of the request which is being authenticated.
    • token - the auth token received from the client.
    • h - the response toolkit.
    • Returns an object { isValid, credentials, artifacts } where:
      • isValid - true if token is valid, otherwise false.
      • credentials - a credentials object passed back to the application in request.auth.credentials. Note that due to underlying Hapi expectations, this value must be defined even if isValid is false. We recommend it be set to {} if isValid is false and you have no other value to provide.
      • artifacts - optional authentication related data that is not part of the user's credential.
  • options - (optional)
    • accessTokenName (Default: 'access_token') - Rename token key e.g. 'new_name' would rename the token query parameter to /route1?new_name=1234.

    • allowQueryToken (Default: false) - Accept token via query parameter.

    • allowCookieToken (Default: false) - Accept token via cookie.

    • allowMultipleHeaders (Default: false) - Accept multiple authorization headers, e.g. Authorization: FD AF6C74D1-BBB2-4171-8EE3-7BE9356EB018; Bearer 12345678.

    • tokenType (Default: 'Bearer') - Accept a custom token type e.g. Authorization: Basic 12345678.

    • allowChaining (Default: false) - Allow attempt of additional authentication strategies.

    • unauthorized (Default: Boom.unauthorized) - A function to call when unauthorized with signature function([message], [scheme], [attributes]). More details

      If using a custom unauthorized function, it is recommended you read hapi's documentation on authentication schemes, especially in the case of using multiple strategies: Authentication scheme.

const Hapi = require('hapi');
const AuthBearer = require('hapi-auth-bearer-token');

const server = Hapi.server({ port: 8080 });

const start = async () => {

    await server.register(AuthBearer)

    server.auth.strategy('simple', 'bearer-access-token', {
        allowQueryToken: true,              // optional, false by default
        validate: async (request, token, h) => {

            // here is where you validate your token
            // comparing with token from your database for example
            const isValid = token === '1234';

            const credentials = { token };
            const artifacts = { test: 'info' };

            return { isValid, credentials, artifacts };


        method: 'GET',
        path: '/',
        handler: async function (request, h) {

            return { info: 'success!' };

    await server.start();

    return server;

    .then((server) => console.log(`Server listening on ${server.info.uri}`))
    .catch(err => {


 * To test this example, from your terminal try:
 *  curl localhost:8080
 *     response: {"statusCode":401,"error":"Unauthorized","message":"Missing authentication"}
 *  curl localhost:8080?access_token=abc
 *     response: {"statusCode":401,"error":"Unauthorized","message":"Bad token","attributes":{"error":"Bad token"}}
 *  curl curl localhost:8080?access_token=1234
 *     response: {"info":"success!"}

License MIT @ John Brett and other contributors 2018


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.22
  • John Brett
  • released 7/25/2014

