
Allows 405 'Method Not Allowed' responses for hapi routes
hapi 405


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Plugin for Hapi.js to include 405 Method Not Allowed Responses on routes for a given set of methods.


This plugin registers additional routes with your hapi service for routes with specific methods not implemented.

Say you have a farming web service has an api with only 2 routes:

GET /farm/goats // route which retrieves data about all goats on the farm.
POST /farm/goats // route which allows for creation of additional goats.

By default, hapi responds with a 404 if there is not route/method match registered with the service. If a user were to request OPTIONS /farm/goats they would get a 404 response.

This plugin builds additional routes based on the route paths already implemented which will respond with a 405 status code. Using this plugin and requesting OPTIONS /farm/goats will respond with a 405 Method Not Allowed.

Additionally the 405 routes can be configured to respond with an allow header specifying which methods are allowed for the requested route path. See [options](# Options) below.


This plugin is available through an npm module.

npm install hapi-405-routes


This plugin must be registered after the implemented routes have already been registered with the service.

// my service routes

// this 405 route plugin
        register: require('hapi-405-routes'),
        options: {
            methodsToSupport: ['GET', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'OPTIONS'],
            setAllowHeader: true,
            log: true


This plugin supports 4 options passed in during plugin registration: methodsToSupport, setAllowHeader, allowHeadWithGet, and log.


  • Data Type: Array<String>
  • Defaults: ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE']
  • Description: This option specifies which methods should respond with a 405 status code: "Method Not Allowed" if not already implemented.


  • Data Type: Boolean
  • Defaults: false
  • Description: Enables plugin logging


  • Data Type: Boolean
  • Defaults: false
  • Description: Sets an allow header with each 405 response containing the methods implemented for the related route path.


  • Data Type: Boolean
  • Defaults: false
  • Description: Includes HEAD with the allow header if a GET method is implemented for the related route path. (Hapi does not natively support HEAD methods)
npm i hapi-405-routes


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Alex Horan
  • released 5/2/2018

