
Query Halo 5 stats about spartans and companies

Halo 5 Stats API

Developer Key:

An included empty file developer_key is where you can store the development key so as to not require always having it passed in as an environment variable. To make sure your key does not accidentally get committed, please do the following to prevent git from tracking any changes:

$ git update-index --assume-unchanged developer_key

The development key can also be passed in via an environment variable (defined below). Multiple keys can also be passed, comma separated. So if several people are working on the same project, but not all using their keys at the same time those keys can be leveraged by the group.

Environment Variables:

The environment variable is set for every API request, so a key can be added at runtime by adding it to process.env.

  • HALO5_DEV_KEY: The 32 character Halo 5 developer key to perform queries.
  • HALO5_QUERY_DELAY: Number of milliseconds to wait between queries. Default is 1200ms.
  • HALO5_429_RETRIES: When an HTTP status code of 429 is found the API will automatically retry after a short delay. The default number of retries is 3 before the callback is called with the error. This value can be overridden using this environment variable.


getCompanyCommendations(company, callback)

  • company {String}
  • callback {Function}

Retrieve all commendations for given company.

getMembers(company, callback)

  • company {String}
  • callback {Function}

Retrieve all members for given company.

getArenaServiceRecords(members[, season], callback)

  • members {String} or {Array}
  • season {String}
  • callback {Function}

Retrieve service record for given spartan or spartans. If season is omitted then default is the current season.

getWarzoneServiceRecords(members, callback)

getCustomServiceRecords(members, callback)

getCampaignServiceRecords(members, callback)

  • members {String} or {Array}
  • season {String}
  • callback {Function}

Retrieve service record for given spartan or spartans.

getArenaPostGame(matchId, callback)

getWarzonePostGame(matchId, callback)

getCustomPostGame(matchId, callback)

getCampaignPostGame(matchId, callback)

  • matchId {String}
  • callback {Function}

Retrieve post game record for given matchId.

getEventsForMatch(matchId, callback)

getEventsForMatchRaw(matchId, callback)

  • matchId {String}
  • callback {Function}

Retrieve match events for given matchId. The Raw variant returns the Buffer instead of parsing the JSON. Because these are so large and they may just need to be written directly to disk.

getEmblemImage(spartan[, size], callback)

  • spartan {String}
  • size {Number} Default 256
  • callback {Function}

Retrieve the url for a Spartan's emblem. While API call may be throttled, the image URL is hosted on a CDN and is not.

getSpartanImage(spartan[, size[, crop]], callback)

  • spartan {String}
  • size {Number} Default 256
  • crop {String} Default 'full'
  • callback {Function}

Retrieve a Spartan's picture. crop must be either full or portrait. While the API call may be throttled, the image URL returned is hosted on a CDN and is not.

getPlayerLeaderboard(seasonId, playlistId[, count], callback)

  • seasonId {String}
  • playlistId {String}
  • count {Numer} Default 200
  • callback {Function}

Retrieves the player leaderboard. The leaderboard consists of the top players for a playlist in a season.

















metadata.getGameVariants(id, callback)

metadata.getMapVariants(id, callback)

metadata.getRequisitionPacks(id, callback)

metadata.getRequisitions(id, callback)

All the calls are pretty much the same, except a few that require an id.

npm i halo5-api


  • MIT
  • >=4.0.0
  • Trevor Norris
  • released 7/19/2016

