
Minify SVG files with gulp.
gulpplugin minify svg svgo


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A Gulp plugin to minify SVG files with svgo-url.

If you have any difficulties with the output of this plugin, please use the SVGO tracker.


With npm do:

npm install gulp-svgmin


import { src, dest } from 'gulp';
import svgmin from 'gulp-svgmin';

const defaultTask = () =>

export default defaultTask;

Configuration file

By default, gulp-svgmin loads options from a svgo.config.js file in your project. See the svgo’s configuration docs for more info on how to write one.

You can control which directory svgo searches for svgo.config.js with the cwd option. Or you can use a different file name with the configFile option.

import { src, dest } from 'gulp';
import svgmin from 'gulp-svgmin';

const defaultTask = () =>
      // Specify an absolute directory path to
      // search for the config file.
      cwd: '/users/admin/project/assets',
      // This path is relative to process.cwd()
      // or the 'cwd' option.
      configFile: 'images/svg/config.js',

export default defaultTask;


Instead of using a config file, you can pass an object of svgo’s options to the gulp-svgmin plugin. You will need to provide the config in comma separated objects, like the example below.

const defaultTask = () =>
      // Ensures the best optimization.
      multipass: true,
      js2svg: {
        // Beutifies the SVG output instead of
        // stripping all white space.
        pretty: true,
        indent: 2,
      // Alter the default list of plugins.
      plugins: [
        // You can enable a plugin with just its name.
          name: 'removeViewBox',
          // Disable a plugin by setting active to false.
          active: false,
          name: 'cleanupIDs',
          // Add plugin options.
          params: {
            minify: true,

You can view the full list of plugins here.

By default, the plugins list given to the gulp plugin will alter the default list of svgo plugins. Optionally, you can specify your plugins and set the full flag to true to indicate that your plugins list should not be merged with the default list of plugins.

const defaultTask = () =>
      multipass: true,
      // The plugins list is the full list of plugins
      // to use. The default list is ignored.
      full: true,
      plugins: [
        // ...

Per-file options

To have per-file options, pass a function, that receives file object and returns svgo options. For example, if you need to prefix ids with filenames to make them unique before combining svgs with gulp-svgstore:

const defaultTask = () =>
    .pipe(svgmin(function getOptions(file) {
      const prefix = path.basename(
      return {
        plugins: [
            name: 'cleanupIDs',
            parmas: {
              prefix: prefix + '-',
              minify: true,


Pull requests are welcome. If you add functionality, then please add unit tests to cover it.


MIT © Ben Briggs

npm i gulp-svgmin


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ben Briggs
  • released 10/12/2021

