
Highly customizable plugin for generating responsive images.
srcset image picture responsive gulp gulpplugin


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Highly customizable plugin for generating responsive images.


npm i -D gulp-srcset
# or
yarn add -D gulp-srcset


import srcset from 'gulp-srcset';

gulp.task('images', () =>
            match:  '(min-width: 3000px)',
            width:  [1920, 1280, 1024, 860, 540, 320],
            format: ['jpg', 'webp']
        }], {
            skipOptimization: true

Plugin options:

interface ICommonConfig {
     * Object with Sharp configs for each supported format.
    processing?: Partial<IProcessingConfig>;
     * Object with imagemin plugins for each format.
    optimization?: Partial<IOptimizationConfig>;
     * Do not optimize output images.
    skipOptimization?: boolean;
     * Generate images with higher resolution than they's sources are.
    scalingUp?: boolean;
     * Postfix string or function to generate postfix for image.
    postfix?: Postfix;

 * First argument: IPluginRule[]
interface IPluginRule extends ICommonConfig {
     * There is support of 3 types of matchers:
     * 1. Glob pattern of file path;
     * 2. Media query to match image by size;
     * 3. `(path: string, size: ISize, source: Vinyl) => boolean` function.
    match?: Matcher;
     * Output image(s) formats to convert.
    format?: SupportedExtension|SupportedExtension[];
     * Output image(s) widths to resize, value less than or equal to 1 will be detected as multiplier.
    width?: number|number[];

 * Second argument: 
interface IPluginConfig extends ICommonConfig {
     * Print additional info about progress.
    verbose?: boolean;
npm i gulp-srcset


  • MIT
  • >=10.0.0
  • dangreen
  • released 5/26/2020

