
Generate a search engine friendly sitemap.xml using a Gulp stream
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Generate a search engine friendly sitemap.xml using a Gulp stream

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Easily generate a search engine friendly sitemap.xml from your project.

:bowtie: Search engines love the sitemap.xml and it helps SEO as well.

For information about sitemap properties and structure, see the wiki for sitemaps


Install with npm

$ npm install --save-dev gulp-sitemap


var gulp = require('gulp');
var sitemap = require('gulp-sitemap');

gulp.task('sitemap', function () {
    gulp.src('build/**/*.html', {
            read: false
            siteUrl: ''
  • siteUrl is required.
  • index.html will be turned into directory path /.
  • 404.html will be skipped automatically. No need to unglob it.

Let's see an example of how we can create and output a sitemap, and then return to the original stream files:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sitemap = require('gulp-sitemap');
var save = require('gulp-save');

gulp.task('html', function() {
    gulp.src('*.html', {
          read: false
                siteUrl: ''
        })) // Returns sitemap.xml
        .pipe(save.restore('before-sitemap')) //restore all files to the state when we cached them
        // -> continue stream with original html files
        // ...



Your website's base url. This gets prepended to all documents locations.

Type: string

Required: true


Determine the output filename for the sitemap.

Type: string

Default: sitemap.xml

Required: false


Gets filled inside the sitemap in the tag <changefreq>. Not added by default.

Type: string

Default: undefined

Valid Values: ['always', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'never']

Required: false

Note: any falsey value is also valid and will skip this xml tag


Gets filled inside the sitemap in the tag <priority>. Not added by default.

Type: string|function

Default: undefined

Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0

Required: false

Note: any falsey (non-zero) value is also valid and will skip this xml tag

Example using a function as priority:

priority: function(siteUrl, loc, entry) {
    // Give pages inside root path (i.e. no slashes) a higher priority
    return loc.split('/').length === 0 ? 1 : 0.5;


The file last modified time.

  • If null then this plugin will try to get the last modified time from the stream vinyl file, or use as lastmod.
  • If the value is not null - It will be used as lastmod.
  • When lastmod is a function, it is executed with the current file given as parameter. (Note: the function is expected to be sync).
  • A string can be used to manually set a fixed lastmod.

Type: string|datetime|function

Default: null

Required: false

Example that uses git to get lastmod from the latest commit of a file:

lastmod: function(file) {
  var cmd = 'git log -1 --format=%cI "' + file.relative + '"';
  return execSync(cmd, {
    cwd: file.base

Note: any falsey (other than null) value is also valid and will skip this xml tag


How to join line in the target sitemap file.

Type: string

Default: Your OS's new line, mostly: \n

Required: false


How should the sitemap xml file be spaced. You can use \t for tabs, or with 2 spaces if you'd like.

Type: string

Default: (4 spaces)

Required: false


Exclude pages from the sitemap when the robots meta tag is set to noindex. The plugin needs to be able to read the contents of the files for this to have an effect.

Type: boolean

Default: false

Required: false


For generate sitemap for images per page, just enable images flag to true

Type: boolean

Default: undefined

Required: false


An object to custom map pages to their own configuration.

This should be an array with the following structure:

Type: array

Default: []

Required: false


mappings: [{
    pages: [ 'minimatch pattern' ],
    changefreq: 'hourly',
    priority: 0.5,
    getLoc(siteUrl, loc, entry) {
        // Removes the file extension if it exists
        return loc.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
    hreflang: [{
        lang: 'ru',
        getHref(siteUrl, file, lang, loc) {
            return '' + file;
  • Every file will be matched against the supplied patterns
  • Only defined attributes for a matched file are applied.
  • Only the first match will apply, so consequent matches for the filename will not apply.
  • Possible attributes to set: hreflang, changefreq, priority, loc and lastmod.
  • All rules applying to options apply to the attributes that can overridden.

Type: array

Required: true

This is an array with minimatch patterns to match the relevant pages to override. Every file will be matched against the supplied patterns.

Uses multimatch to match patterns against filenames.

Example: pages: ['home/index.html', 'home/see-*.html', '!home/see-admin.html']


Matching pages can get their hreflang tags set using this option.

The input is an array like so:

hreflang: [{
    lang: 'ru',
    getHref: function(siteUrl, file, lang, loc) {
        // return href src for the hreflang. For example:
        return '' + file;

Matching pages can get their loc tag modified by using a function.

getLoc: function(siteUrl, loc, entry) {
    return loc.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');


Type: boolean

Required: false

Default: false

If true, will log the number of files that where handled.

Complementary plugins

  • gulp-sitemap-files - Get all files listed in a sitemap (Perhaps one generated from this plugin)


To grunt-sitemap for the inspiration on writing this.


MIT © Gilad Peleg

npm i gulp-sitemap


  • MIT
  • >=10
  • Gilad Peleg
  • released 12/8/2020

