
Gulp plugin for Sass Lint
gulpplugin sass gulp lint

Gulp Sass Lint npm version

Gulp plugin for Sass Lint.


npm install gulp-sass-lint --save-dev



'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    sassLint = require('gulp-sass-lint');

gulp.task('default', function () {
  return gulp.src('sass/**/*.s+(a|c)ss')



You can pass an object of options to configure gulp-sass-lint to your specific projects needs the options are listed below.


You can find out more about the specific SassLint options from the SassLint Documentation

  options: {
    formatter: 'stylish',
    'merge-default-rules': false

By default SassLint includes it's own configuration file, if you provide one it attempts to merge everything except for the files section below. If you pass options directly into the plugin they take precedence. The order can be visualised below with the SassLint config being the base.

options > config file > SassLint default included config

You can disable this behaviour by setting merge-default-rules to false within the options.options object that you pass to gulp-sass-lint or you can include it in your config file options that you can pass into gulp-sass-lint with options.configFile.

More info and examples can be found within the SassLint docs


Type: Object

Within the files object you can specify a glob pattern as a string or an array of glob pattern for both the include and ignore options. Please note that your include option will currently be ignored as you should be passing the glob patterns / file paths to be linted directly to gulp gulp.src('sass/**/*.s+(a|c)ss'). The ignore option however will still be respected if you'd rather specify them in your config rather than in the gulp.src method.

  files: {
    include: '**/*.scss', // This will be ignored by gulp-sass-lint
    ignore: 'test/**/*.scss' // This will still be respected and read


Type: Object

You can define which rules you would like to use here and set a severity too. For more information see how to configure and also the SassLint rules

  rules: {
    'no-ids': 0, // Severity 0 (disabled)
    'no-mergeable-selectors': 1, // Severity 1 (warning)
    'hex-length': [
      2, // Severity 2 (error)
        'style': 'long'


You can pass the path to a custom config file via the configFile option. The path will be relative to where you're running gulp from.

  configFile: 'app/config/.my-config.yml'


The following highlights all of the above options in use

'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    sassLint = require('gulp-sass-lint');

gulp.task('default', function () {
  return gulp.src('sass/**/*.s+(a|c)ss')
      options: {
        formatter: 'stylish',
        'merge-default-rules': false
      files: {ignore: '**/*.scss'},
      rules: {
        'no-ids': 1,
        'no-mergeable-selectors': 0
      configFile: 'config/other/.sass-lint.yml'


Formats the results dependent on your config file or the options you provided to the sassLint task above. The default format is stylish but you can choose any of the others that SassLint provides, see the docs.

You can also choose to output to a file from within the options you provide or your config file. See the output-file docs

gulp.task('lint_sass_jenkins', function () {
    var file = fs.createWriteStream('reports/lint_sass.xml');
    var stream = gulp.src('public/sass/**/*.scss')
            options: {
                configFile: '.sass-lint.yml',
                formatter: 'checkstyle'
    stream.on('finish', function() {
    return stream;


Fails the task and emits a gulp error when all files have been linted if an error has been detected (rules set to severity 2).

npm i gulp-sass-lint


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Sam Richard
  • released 5/22/2018
