
Enable git-flow style releases via gulp
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A GulpJS plugin that enables support for git-flow style releases. It requires the gitflow command line tool to be installed on your system.


A proposed workflow revolving around the use of git as a central tool. Defines a branching model to follow using best practices and convenience directives.


gulp-release is a GulpJS plugin. It defines custom tasks that group common flow-related behaviors when releasing software using git.

npm i --save-dev gulp-release


  • gitflow ^1.9.0
  • gulp ~3.9
  • node ^8.0.0
  • npm ^5.0.0
# Add node repositories
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install git-flow
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm i -g npm
sudo npm i -g gulp



In your gulpfile.js declare:

'use strict';
const gulp = require('gulp');
const release = require('gulp-release');


This will register tasks on your gulp instance. After that, you'll be able to call (or depend upon) all the tasks described below, such as:

$ gulp release


You may pass in an options configuration object to the register method to override some or all of the default settings.

'use strict';
const gulp = require('gulp');
const release = require('gulp-release');

release.register(gulp, { packages: ['package.json'] });

Here, the packages property expects an ordered array of globs that match json files containing version information (i.e: package.json, bower.json, component.json). All version files will be updated on a release, but version number will be read only from the first one.

Read next section for a complete set of available options.


register(gulpInst[, options])

Declares tasks on the gulpInst gulp instance. options is an optional object that can be defined to override the following sensible defaults:

     tasks: {
        // Name of the main task (a.k.a, `gulp release`)
       release: 'release'
     messages: {
        // Commmit message on version bumping
       bump: 'Bump release version',

       // Commit message on setting next "-dev" version on `develop`
       next: 'Set next development version'

    // Supports glob syntax
    packages: ['package.json'],

    // Suffix added on development versions (ie.: on `develop` branch)
    devSuffix: '-dev',

    // Path to a custom codenames file. See
    codenames: 'my-codenames.json'

This parameters permits you to configure main task name, commit messages and .json files containing a .version attribute that will be bumped on a new release.



Performs a full, automatic project release. Uses git flow release internally. Name is configurable.

It's required that your version numbering follows semver specifications.

gulp release [-v --version VERSION] [-t --type TYPE] [-m CODENAME] [-c --codenames PATH] [-p --push]

The repository you invoke this task on, must be git flow enabled. Run git flow init if you haven't already, before running gulp release. Otherwise, the task will fail.

  • -v or --version can be used to indicate a specific next version (such as 3.2.2-beta). If unspecified, the version from your first configured package file (ie., package.json) will be used.
  • -t or --type can be used to indicate types of version increment (MAJOR, MINOR or PATCH). Next release version defaults to PATCH increment.
  • If your current version ends with a suffix, next default version will be that same number without the suffix (0.0.2-dev -> 0.0.2).
  • -m provides a human readable "codename" for the release. One will be autogenerated if not provided.
  • -c or --codenames provides a path to a custom codenames JSON file. This takes precedence over the .register() config option if both are set.
  • -p or --push indicate whether to push results (branches and tags) to origin or not after finishing the release process. Defaults to false.

This recipe will perform the following actions, sequentially (default option values are assumed):

  1. Invoke git flow release start -F <version>. Where <version> is either set from a command line argument or read from a package file.
  2. Bump the version on all package files and generate a codename for the release if one was not already provided with -m.
  3. Commit changes from last step to develop using "Bump release version" as message.
  4. Invoke git flow release finish -m <codename> <version>.
  5. Bump the version on all packages files to next development iteration using a -dev suffix (like 1.0.1-dev).
  6. Commit changes from last step to develop using "Set next development version" as message.
  7. If the -p (or --push) flag was set, push all tags and local develop and master branches to origin.

See the git flow release wiki for details on what's happening under the hood when calling git flow release start|finish.



npm i gulp-release


  • MIT
  • >=8.0.0
  • Nicolás Fantone
  • released 11/30/2017

