
Run the PureScript compiler
gulpplugin purescript


Runs the PureScript compiler to produce JavaScript files


Install with npm

npm install gulp-purescript --save-dev


This plugin requires that the PureScript binaries first be installed. The binaries may be installed using the purescript NPM package or as described on the PureScript installation section of the GitHub wiki.

Basic example

var gulp = require('gulp');

var purescript = require('gulp-purescript');

gulp.task('make', function(){
  return purescript.compile({
    src: 'src/*.purs'

There is also a more complete example that makes use of all the provided tasks in a common setup.


Refer to the PureScript compiler usage section of the Github wiki for additional details on the behaviour of each option below.

Options can be passed to the Haskell runtime system for purs by passing a --purs-rts-flags argument to gulp. Any values that follow this flag will be passed through to the runtime. There is no need to include +RTS/-RTS options as these are inserted automatically. See the GHC documentation for information on the available RTS options.


Invokes the purs compile command. The following options are supported.

src (String or String Array)

Files to compile. Glob syntax is supported.

output (String)

Sets --output=<string> the specifies the output directory, output by default.

verboseErrors (Boolean)

Toggles --verbose-errors that displays verbose error messages.

comments (Boolean)

Toggles --comments that includes comments in generated code.

sourceMaps (Boolean)

Toggles --source-maps that generates source maps.

dumpCoreFn (Boolean)

Toggles --dump-corefn that generates dumps the (functional) core representation of the compiled code at output/*/corefn.json.

noPrefix (Boolean)

Toggles --no-prefix that does not include the comment header.

jsonErrors (Boolean)

Toggles --json-errors that prints errors to stderr as JSON.


Invokes the purs bundle command. The following options are supported.

src (String or String Array)

The purs compile-produced JavaScript source files to bundle. Glob syntax is supported.

output (String)

Sets --output=<string> that specifies the output filename for the bundle.

module (String or String Array)

The name of the module or modules to use as entry points for dead code elimination.

main (Boolean or String)

Toggles --main or sets --main=<string> that generates code to run the main function in the specified module or the Main module by default.

namespace (String)

Sets --namespace=<string> that specifies the namespace that PureScript modules will be exported to when running in the browser.

sourceMaps (Boolean)

Toggles --source-maps that generates source maps.

Invokes the purs docs command. The following options are supported.

src (String or String Array)

Files to be used for generating the documentation. Glob syntax is supported.

format (markdown | etags | ctags)

Sets --output=<markdown|etags|ctags> that specifies the output format.

docgen (String | String Array | Object)

Sets --docgen=... that can be used to filter the modules documentation is generated for.

  • If a string value is provided, the documentation for that single module will be generated.
  • If a list of strings is provided, the documentation for all listed modules will be generated.
  • If an object with module name/filename pairs (for example, { Module: 'docs/' }) is provided, files will be written for each of the modules. In this mode, the task requires no dest as no value is returned.


Generates a .psci file.

src (String or String Array)

Files added to the .psci file with the :m command. Glob syntax is supported.

Full example

This example will make and bundle the code, run tests, and produce a .psci file and documentation for a project using the common bower_components/src file layout.

var gulp = require("gulp");
var purescript = require("gulp-purescript");
var run = require("gulp-run");

var sources = [

gulp.task("make", function () {
  return purescript.compile({ src: sources });

gulp.task("bundle", ["make"], function () {
  return purescript.bundle({ src: "output/**/*.js", output: "dist/bundle.js" });

gulp.task("docs", function () {
      src: sources,
      docgen: {
        "Name.Of.Module1": "docs/Name/Of/",
        "Name.Of.Module2": "docs/Name/Of/"

gulp.task("dotpsci", function () {
  return purescript.psci({ src: sources })

gulp.task("test", ["make"], function() {
  return purescript.bundle({ src: "output/**/*.js", main: "Test.Main" })

gulp.task("default", ["bundle", "docs", "dotpsci", "test"]);


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.0
  • Eric
  • released 9/9/2015

