
Opinionated reusable Gulp pipes for handling CSS, JS, HTML, image files and more
gulpplugin gulp pipe css js javascript html image gif and 5 more...

Gulp Pipes

Opinionated, reusable Gulp pipes for handling CSS, JS, HTML, image files and more.

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$ npm install --save-dev gulp-pipes

Usage Example

var gulp = require('gulp');
var pipes = require('gulp-pipes'); <<<<<<<<

gulp.task('some-task', function() {
  return gulp.src('./some-file.css')


All pipes take only one parameter, which is an Object containing configuration. Let's call it config object from now on. This parameter can be omitted (it is optional). All config object's properties are optional.

Jump to Point of Interest


  • Method: pipes.banner(configObject);
  • Adds a banner as header for files
  • Comes with a default template file which takes information from your package.json
return gulp.src(...)

Config object properties:

Name Type Description
templatePath String Full path to template file
variables Object Variables to use on the template; gets populated automatically with pkg property which is your package.json file

Template file example (this is the default supplied one):

/* <%= %> v<%= pkg.version %>
 * <%= pkg.homepage ? pkg.homepage + ' ' : '' %><%= pkg.license ? pkg.license + ' license' : '' %>
 * (c) <%= year %> <%= || %>

All variables from above are taken from variables object.


  • Supports only Stylus files.


  • Method: pipes.css.lint(configObject)
  • Config object parameter's (which is optional) properties:
Name Type Description
fail Boolean Fail on error
return gulp.src('./some-file.css')

// or fail on Error
return gulp.src('./some-file.js')
  .pipe(pipes.css.lint({fail: true}));


  • Method: pipes.css.compile(configObject)
  • Config object parameters:
Name Type Description
prod Boolean Compile for production
base64 Object gulp-css-base64 options
autoprefixer Object autoprefixer options
extmin Boolean Adds '.min' to extension (use in conjunction with prod only)
nomap Boolean (Dev compile only; default: true) Does not adds source maps

autoprefixer uses this default configuration (which is overriden when specifying property in pipes.css.compile()):

  cascade: false,
  browsers: ['last 2 versions', '> 10%']
Development Mode Production Mode
Compile Stylus * *
Auto prefixes properties for cross-browser compatibility * *
Auto embeds small images with base64 encoding * *
Adds sourcemaps (unless nomap = true) *
Minifies *

Dependencies Compiler

  • Method: pipes.css.deps(configObject)
  • Config object parameters:
Name Type Description
prod Boolean Compile for production
nomap Boolean (Dev compile only; default: true) Does not adds source maps
Development Mode Production Mode
Concats files * *
Adds sourcemaps (unless nomap = true) *
Loads & merges existing sourcemaps *
Minifies *



  • Method: pipes.js.lint(configObject)
  • Config object parameter's (which is optional) properties:
Name Type Description
fail Boolean Fail on error
return gulp.src('./some-file.js')

// or fail on Error
return gulp.src('./some-file.js')
  .pipe(pipes.js.lint({fail: true}));


  • Method: pipes.js.compile(configObject)
  • Config object parameters:
Name Type Description
prod Boolean Compile for production
pack Object Webpack configuration
define Object Object containing all properties which will be supplied to webpack.DefinePlugin; see example below
retainPath Boolean makes Webpack use the same path + name as source files; by default, only name is retained
extmin Boolean Adds '.min' to extension (use in conjunction with prod only)
minify Object UglifyJS optional configuration

Example for define. Please note JSON.stringify() is required.

define = {
  VERSION: JSON.stringify('1.0.1');
Development Mode Production Mode
Compiles with Webpack * *
Adds sourcemaps *
Minifies *

If you want your compiled file to contain assets, then in your .js file to be compiled:

var content = require('raw!./template.html');

// BUT make sure you npm install raw-loader
// (Cannot include it in this package because Webpack will try to
// require it from your project folder's node_modules)

Your compiled file will contain:

var content = '<html></html>';


Also good to know that you can also use {base: 'base/path'} as option for your gulp.src().

gulp.task('some-task', function() {
  return gulp.src('path/to/script.js', {base: '/path'})
      retainPath: true


Webpack configuration supplied gets merged with a default one which adds sourcemaps on development mode

You can access Webpack directly through pipes.js.webpack. For example: pipes.js.webpack.DefinePlugin.

Dependencies Compiler

  • Method: pipes.js.deps(configObject)
  • Config object parameters:
Name Type Description
prod Boolean Compile for production
extmin Boolean Adds '.min' to extension (use in conjunction with prod only)
minify Object UglifyJS optional configuration
Development Mode Production Mode
Compiles with Webpack * *
Adds sourcemaps *
Loads & merges existing sourcemaps *
Minifies *


You can include other HTMLs within your .html file like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  @@include('./view.html')     <<<<<<<<<<<<
  @@include('./var.html', {    <<<<<<<<<<<<
    "name": "rstoenescu",
    "age": 12345,
    "socials": {
      "fb": "",
      "tw": ""





... and it gets compiled to:

<!DOCTYPE html>


  • Method: pipes.html.lint()
  • Parameters: none
return gulp.src('./some-file.js')


  • Method: pipes.html.compile(configObject)
  • Config object parameters:
Name Type Description
prod Boolean Compile for production
include Object Include configuration (see below)
Development Mode Production Mode
Includes HTMLs * *
Minifies *

Example for include object (below is the default config supplied):

prefix: '@@',
basepath: '@file'

More details on how it works can be found here.


You can override any of the following default properties for the configuration object:

  progressive: true,
  svgoPlugins: [{removeViewBox: false}],
  use: [pngquant()]

Handles the following file types:

  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • SVG

You can feed any types of files as it will filter and optimize only image ones.


Copyright (c) 2015 Razvan Stoenescu

MIT License


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Razvan Stoenescu
  • released 12/9/2015

