
HTML/underscore/ejs template converter to Incremental DOM


Compiler from ejs/underscore templates or simply HTML to incremental-DOM by Google JavaScript function; implemented as a plugin to gulp.

Now you can speed up and optimize your application, which once used standard templates, with incremental DOM. You may read more about it here.

##Example Here is the original:

    <%- data.listTitle %>

    <% _.each( data.listItems, function(listItem, i){ %>
    <li class="row <%=(i % 2 == 1 ? ' even' : '')%>">
        <%- %>
        <% if (listItem.hasOlympicGold){ %>
        <% } %>
    <% }); %>

<% var showFootnote = _.any(
_.pluck( data.listItems, "hasOlympicGold" )
); %>

<% if ( showFootnote ){ %>
<p style="font-size: 12px ;">
    <em>* Olympic gold medalist</em>
<% } %>

And here is the render function after compiling the template:

function template(data){
        text( data.listTitle );
        _.each( data.listItems, function(listItem, i){     
        elementOpen('li', null, null, 'class', 'row '+(i % 2 == 1 ? ' even' : ''));
            text( );
            if (listItem.hasOlympicGold){         
    var showFootnote = _.any( _.pluck( data.listItems, "hasOlympicGold" ) );  
    if ( showFootnote ){ 
    elementOpen('p', null, null, 'style', 'font-size: 12px ;');
            text('* Olympic gold medalist');


npm install gulp-incremental --save-dev

##Compilation The following script finds all template files with the .ejs extension in the project, then converts them to render functions with the same title as the filename, and glues them together as one JavaScript file:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var toIDOM = require('gulp-incremental');

gulp.task('default', function() {

You should be careful and consider the following issues:

  • The function title is the same as the name of the template file.
  • You should be careful with the ' symbol in templates; if it's mentioned in the text, it should be screened as \'. This will be fixed in further versions.
  • The data is transferred to the template as one object; so if you don't want to transfer data via closure in templates, you should work with one object that will be transferred as a parameter to path.

###Options You may transfer an object with options to the plugin:

  • parameterName - name of the data object, which is transferred to the render function.

  • functionName - function for rename render function: arguments filename & file path. return value is modName

  • template (interpolate, escape, evaluate) - regular expression of your templates; you may change them, so that the compiler will process your template syntax.

    Take note that compilation is carried out in the following order: interpolate, escape, evaluate. In further versions we plan to provide an opportunity of changing the sequence of template processing.

  • escape, MAP - regular expression and MAP for processing the escape template in the following way:

function escapeHTML(s) {
    return s.replace(options.escape, function (c){
        return options.MAP[c];
  • format - true or false, format or not source code.
  • ignore - file extension that will not compile
  • helpers (open, close) - service lines for processing interpolate, escape templates; it's better not to modify them.

By default the options have the following values:

    parameterName: "data",
    functionName: function(filename, path) {
        return filename;
    template: {
        evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
        interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
        escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g
    escape: /[&<>]/g,
    MAP: {
        '&': '&amp;',
        '<': '&lt;',
        '>': '&gt;',
        '"': '&quot;',
        "'": '&#39;'
    format: true,
    ignore: 'js',
    helpers: {
        open: "{%",
        close: "%}"

You may modify any option.

###UMD For example, you also can compile your templates into one UMD module as follows:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var umd = require('gulp-umd');
var toIDOM = require('gulp-incremental');

var exports = [];

gulp.task('default', function () {
    gulp.src(['./templates/prefix.js', './templates/*.ejs'])
            functionName: function (name) {
                return name;
            exports: function () {
                for (var i = 0, obj = "{"; i < exports.length; i++) {
                    if (i !== 0)
                        obj += ",";
                    obj += exports[i] + ":" + exports[i]
                return obj+ "}";
            namespace: function () {
                return "templates";

Where prefix.js:

var elementOpen = IncrementalDOM.elementOpen,
    elementClose = IncrementalDOM.elementClose,
    text = IncrementalDOM.text;

##Use After the compilation of your templates you get a set of render functions for the library incremental-dom, whic you can use directly in your code, for example:

    var patch = IncrementalDOM.patch,
        elementOpen = IncrementalDOM.elementOpen,
        elementClose = IncrementalDOM.elementClose,
        text = IncrementalDOM.text;

    var templateData = {
        listTitle: "Olympic Volleyball Players",
        listItems: [
                name: "Misty May-Treanor",
                hasOlympicGold: true
                name: "Kerri Walsh Jennings",
                hasOlympicGold: true
                name: "Jennifer Kessy",
                hasOlympicGold: false
                name: "April Ross",
                hasOlympicGold: false

    patch(document.querySelector('.template'), template, templateData);

You may also concatenate the render functions that you receive after the compilation with an auxiliary file, where elementOpen, elementClose and text are defined for further minification and obfuscation of your code.

npm i gulp-incremental


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Yuriy Luchaninov
  • released 7/22/2015
