
Slurp in some files, output a JSON representation of their contents.


Slurp in some files, output a JSON representation of their contents.

Check out the broccoli equivalent here.


$ npm install gulp-file-contents-to-json

How it works

Given a nested directory of files like so,

├── bar.txt
├── foo.txt
└── my-folder
    └── baz.txt

gulp-file-contents-to-json reads in each file, and outputs a single JSON file representing the contents of each file within the folder. When a directory is encountered, it becomes a nested object within the JSON blob, like so:

  "bar.txt": "Content of bar.",
  "foo.txt": "Contents of foo.",
  "my-folder": {
    "baz.txt": "Contents of baz."

How to Use

For example, to read in the contents of the my-files folder and output dist/contents.json, simply add the following gulp task inside gulpfile.js:

var gulp    = require('gulp');
var fc2json = require('gulp-file-contents-to-json');

gulp.task('create-json-blob', function() {

Options may be included.

  • extname as false removes file extensions and this is useful when wanting dot notation.
  • strip takes a RegExp to strip content off the file name. This is useful if you have a directory of template files (e.g. contactTemplate.html, hoursTemplate.html) and need to strip the "Template" naming convention off each file.
  • flat as true removes the path and therefore the resulting json object is one layer deep (be careful to avoid duplicate filenames when using the flat option).
  • flatpathdelimiter will like flat result in a one layer deep json object, but where the path is included, separated with the custom delimiter set in flatpathdelimiter.
      .pipe(fc2json('contents.json', {
        extname: false, // default is true
        strip: /Template/, // default is not set
        flat: true, // default is false
        flatpathdelimiter: '__' // default is not set, delimiter will be ':'

Simply run the following and you're done:

$ gulp create-json-blob


Brian Gonzalez




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Brian Gonzalez
  • released 1/20/2016

