
gulp task to encode images to data URI
gulpplugin data-uri base64


Gulp task for converting all files found within a stylesheet (those within a url( ... ) declaration) into base64-encoded data URI strings.

Example usage

var gulp = require('gulp');
var base64 = require('./build/gulp-base64');

//basic example
gulp.task('build', function () {
    return gulp.src('./css/*.css')
//example with options
gulp.task('build', function () {
    return gulp.src('./css/*.css')
            baseDir: 'public',
            extensions: ['svg', 'png', /\.jpg#datauri$/i],
            exclude:    [/\.server\.(com|net)\/dynamic\//, '--live.jpg'],
            maxImageSize: 8*1024, // bytes
            debug: true


  • baseDir (String)
    If you have absolute image paths in your stylesheet, the path specified in this option will be used as the base directory (relative to gulpfile).

  • extensions (Array of String or RegExps)
    Proccess only specified extensions.
    Strings are matched against file-extension only, while RegExps are tested against the raw URL value.

  • exclude (Array of String or RegExps)
    Skip files with URLs that match these patterns.
    Unlike with the extensions option Strings are sub-string matched against the whole URL value.

  • maxImageSize (Number)
    Maximum filesize in bytes for changing image to base64.

  • debug (Boolean)
    Enable log to console.

npm i gulp-base64


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Yaroslav 2gis
  • released 5/27/2015

