
Grunt task for moving and renaming files and directories
gruntplugin grunt move rename file folder filesystem


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This module provides a grunt multi-task for moving and renaming files and directories.


You need node >= 4, npm and grunt >= 1 installed and your project build managed by a Gruntfile with the necessary modules listed in package.json. If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started] guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins.

Install the Grunt task:

$ npm install grunt-move --save-dev


Add the move entry with the move task configuration to the options of the grunt.initConfig method:

  move: {
    test: {
      src: 'old',
      dest: 'new'

Then, load the plugin:



Call the move task:

$ grunt move

or integrate it to your build sequence in Gruntfile.js:

grunt.registerTask('default', ['move', ...]);


Default behaviour of the task can be tweaked by the task options; these are the defaults:

  move: {
    task: {
      options: {
        ignoreMissing: false,
        moveAcrossVolumes: false
      src: ...,
      dest: ...

The configuration consists of src and dest property pairs. The src property has to point to an existing source path. The dest property has to point to the path, where the source file or directory should be moved.

If you do not end the dest path by the path separator (slash, for example), the dest path will be considered as if it includes the target name and the source file or directory will be moved and get this target complete path.

If you end the dest path by a path separator (slash, for example), the source file or directory will be moved there retaining its name.

If you specify more source files or directories, or use wildcards, the target path should be a directory - end by the path separator (slash, for example).



Type: Boolean Default: false

If the src property does not point to any files, or if it is missing, the task will make the Grunt run fail. If you set the ignoreMissing option to true, Grunt will continue executing other tasks.


Type: Boolean Default: false

If the src property points to a file or directory, which is located on other volume (drive), that the dest path, the task will make the Grunt run fail. If you set the moveAcrossVolumes option to true, the file or directory will be copied to the target path and when it succeeds, the source will be deleted. Grunt will continue executing other tasks then.

More Usage Examples

  move: {
    do_not_fail_if_missing: {
      options: {
        ignoreMissing: true
      src: 'test/work/missing/old',
      dest: 'test/work/missing/new'
    rename: {
      src: 'test/work/rename/old',
      dest: 'test/work/rename/new'
    move_with_rename: {
      src: 'test/work/move_with_rename/source/old',
      dest: 'test/work/move_with_rename/target/new'
    move_without_rename: {
      src: 'test/work/move_without_rename/source/file',
      dest: 'test/work/move_without_rename/target/'
    move_more: {
      src: ['test/work/move_more_files/source/first',
      dest: 'test/work/move_more_files/target/'
    move_with_wildcard: {
      src: ['test/work/move_files_with_wildcard/source/*'],
      dest: 'test/work/move_files_with_wildcard/target/'
    move_across_volumes: {
      options: {
        moveAcrossVolumes: true
      src: 'test/work/move_across_volumes/file',
      dest: '/tmp/grunt-move/file'
    rename_multiple: {
      files: [
          src: 'test/work/rename_multiple/first',
          dest: 'test/work/rename_multiple/third'
          src: 'test/work/rename_multiple/second',
          dest: 'test/work/rename_multiple/fourth'
    move_multiple: {
      files: [
          src: ['test/work/move_more/source1/first',
          dest: 'test/work/move_more/target1/'
          src: 'test/work/move_more/source2/*',
          dest: 'test/work/move_more/target2/'


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.

npm i grunt-move


  • MIT
  • >=10
  • Ferdinand Prantl
  • released 7/27/2022

