
A small grunt-task that reloads your browser (OSX only) [DEPRECATED]
grunt.js grunt gruntplugin reload browser-refresh

DEPRECATED - do not use this anymore

This repository is deprecated and no longer maintained. To get reload-magic for your browser with grunt, use LiveReload or BrowserSync :-)


This small grunt-plugin can be used to reload your browser on OSX. I use it to refresh the browser automatically after JS/Compass-compilation, without using tools like Codekit or LiveReload (which are awesome nonetheless).

Installation and Usage

Open up your terminal, go to your project and type npm install grunt-macreload. Edit your grunt.js-file and add the macreload-config (example below). Don't forget to load the task with grunt.loadNpmTasks(). I usually add it to my default-task. This way, everytime a sass- or js-file gets compiled the browser will be reloaded afterwards. Note that this is a hard reload - you should check your caching-settings for js/css-files for development to immediatly see the changes.

module.exports = function(grunt) {


  macreload: {
    fuckyeah: {
      browser: 'chrome',
      editor: 'macvim'


  grunt.registerTask('default', 'lint concat macreload');

  // load the locally installed task-plugin


Supported values for browser are:

  • chrome for Google Chrome
  • canary for Google Chrome Canary
  • safari for Apple's Safari
  • opera for Opera and
  • firefox for Firefox
  • webkit for WebKit

Supported values for editor are:

  • macvim for the famous Vim port for OSX
  • sublime for Sublime Text 2
  • textmate for Textmate
  • terminal if you use terminal vim/emacs/whatever
  • iterm if your use iterm

You can configure grunt-macreload to refresh multiple browsers like this:

macreload: {
  safari: {
    browser: 'safari'
  firefox: {
    browser: 'firefox'
  chrome: {
    browser: 'chrome',
    editor: 'textmate'

The browsers are refreshed in the order you define them.

Notes, License and Bugs

If you don't have your browser open or you have not set the browser variable, nothing will reload. If you have not set the editor variable the active window will stay the browser-window after the refresh.

Thanks a lot to kahlil and his grunt-compass task that inspired me writing my own grunt task.

Thanks to alampros for adding webkit support.

I don't give a shit about licensing, so do whatever your want with it.

npm i grunt-macreload


  • Unknown
  • *
  • Steffen Becker
  • released 2/19/2015

