
v0.1.0 for grunt
gruntplugin beautify beautifier jsbeautifier code-quality

grunt-jsbeautifier Gittip Build Status NPM for grunt

Getting Started

This plugin recommends using Grunt ~0.4.1. Grunt ~0.3.0 is only suported till version 0.1.4

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

Grunt ~0.4.1

npm install grunt-jsbeautifier --save-dev

One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Grunt ~0.3.0

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with:

npm install [email protected]

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js gruntfile:



Single Task

  • files (required): Your source files to beautify
  • options (optional): Overwrite default jsbeautifier options
"jsbeautifier" : {
    files : ["src/**/*.js"],
    options : {

Multi Task

  • src (required): Your source files to beautify
  • options (optional): Overwrite default jsbeautifier options
"jsbeautifier" : {
    "default": {
        src : ["src/**/*.js"]
    "git-pre-commit": {
        src : ["src/**/*.js"],
        options : {

Run single file

You can run jsbeautifier on a single file by passing runtime command line argument. Its possible to combine this command with existing jsbeautifier task, so config from specified task can be used for beautifying mentioned file.

Run with multi task

If you have multi task configured like this,

"jsbeautifier" : {
    "default": {
        src : ["path/to/some/files/*.js"],
            js: {
                indentSize: 5

and want to beautify a file which is lets say under


then run command like

grunt jsbeautifier:default:file:/tmp/some/non/configured/file.js

Run with single task

If you have single task configured like this,

"jsbeautifier" : {
    src : ["path/to/some/files/*.js"],
        js: {
            indentSize: 5

and want to beautify a file which is lets say under


then run command like

grunt jsbeautifier::file:/tmp/some/non/configured/file.js



Type: Files Default value: []

List of files to be beautified. This option is applicable only for Single Task


Type: Files Default value: []

List of files to be beautified. This option is applicable only for Multi Task

options.mode (optional)

Type: String Default value: VERIFY_AND_WRITE

If mode is "VERIFY_ONLY", then task will fail if at least one file can be beautified. This is useful for pre-commit check.

options.dest (optional)

Type: String Default value: ""

All beautified file will be stored under "dest".

options.config (optional)

Type: String Default value: null

Recommended for version < 0.2.7, use .jsbeautifyrc for > 0.2.7

If a filename is specified, options defined therein will be used. The config file must be valid JSON and looks like the one supported by js-beautify itself. Values defined in gruntfile will take precedence on config file values.

"jsbeautifier": {
    files: ["src/**/*.js"],
    options: {
        config: "path/to/config/file",
        css: {
            indentSize: 5
        html: {
            indentSize: 7

options.jsBeautifyVersion (optional)

Type: String Default value: null

A valid version/range of js-beautify according to semver. By default plugin uses latest version of "js-beautify", if you need to use otherwise specify it here.

Default options from js-beautify can be used

  "jsbeautifier": {
      files: ["src/**/*.js"],
      options: {
          config: "path/to/configFile",
          html: {
              braceStyle: "collapse",
              indentChar: " ",
              indentScripts: "keep",
              indentSize: 4,
              maxPreserveNewlines: 10,
              preserveNewlines: true,
              unformatted: ["a", "sub", "sup", "b", "i", "u"],
              wrapLineLength: 0
          css: {
              indentChar: " ",
              indentSize: 4
          js: {
              braceStyle: "collapse",
              breakChainedMethods: false,
              e4x: false,
              evalCode: false,
              indentChar: " ",
              indentLevel: 0,
              indentSize: 4,
              indentWithTabs: false,
              jslintHappy: false,
              keepArrayIndentation: false,
              keepFunctionIndentation: false,
              maxPreserveNewlines: 10,
              preserveNewlines: true,
              spaceBeforeConditional: true,
              spaceInParen: false,
              unescapeStrings: false,
              wrapLineLength: 0,
              endWithNewline: true

Only specifiy options to overwrite.

NOTE: All options can be specified similar to js-beautify using underscore.


1. Exclude files

All files from foo folder except bar.js

jsbeautifier: {
    files: ["foo/*.js", "!foo/bar.js"]

2. Use specific version of js-beautify

If you want use specific version of js-beautify instead of latest, please refer to npm shrinkwrap

3. Beautify files other than js, json, es6, css & html

If you need to beautify files other than js, json, css & html, it can be done by passing fileTypes.

For example, beautifying ".js.erb" files along with ".js", beautifying ".less" files along with ".css", beautifying ".html.erb" files along with ".html".

jsbeautifier: {
    files: ["foo/css/*.css", "bar/css/*.less", "foo/js/*.js", "bar/js/*.js.erb", "foo/html/*.html", "bar/html/*.html.erb"],
    options: {
        js: {
            fileTypes: [".js.erb"]
        css: {
            fileTypes: [".less"]
        html: {
            fileTypes: [".html.erb"]

Release History

  • 0.2.13: Support grunt 1.x, 57, 58
  • 0.2.12: Handle no file hang error, beautify single file, bug fixes, 55,52,51,39
  • 0.2.11: Format .es6 as .js by default, 56
  • 0.2.10: Support for jsBeautifyVersion, 44
  • 0.2.9: Honor end_with_newline attribute of js-beautify. 45,46
  • 0.2.8: Support for .jsbeautifyrc, 28
  • 0.2.7: Use latest dependencies without throwing "latest" keyword warning, 35
  • 0.2.6: Bumped version after for changing dist to dest
  • 0.2.5: Support dist folder and show all failed files in VERIFY_MODE 22, 24, 25
  • 0.2.4: Support custom file types other than js, json, css & html. Use latest versions for dependencies 23, 26
  • 0.2.3: Always use latest version of js-beautify. 21
  • 0.2.2: Configuration is now lint happy. Options can be specified in cameCase, 17
  • 0.2.1: Added Support for flat config file
  • 0.2.0: Added support for css, html and json files
  • 0.1.10: Added verify only mode 15. This will fail if any file needs beautification.
  • 0.1.9: Upgraded js-beautify to 1.4.0. Fixed issues 13
  • 0.1.8: Upgraded js-beautify to ~1.3.1. Fixed issues 10, 12
  • 0.1.7: Upgraded grunt to ~0.4.1, js-beautify to ~1.2.0. Fixed issues 6, 7, 8, 9
  • 0.1.6: Make sure new line at the end of file. Fixed issue 5
  • 0.1.5: Upgraded to grunt ~0.4.0. Fixed issues 2, 3, 4
  • 0.1.4: Upgraded js-beautify to latest version (0.3.2)
  • 0.1.3: Added fix for block comment formatting.
  • 0.1.2: Supported grunt 0.4~.
  • 0.1.1: Readme file changes
  • 0.1.0: Initial version.


Copyright (c) 2012 Vishal Kadam Licensed under the MIT license.


