
[DEPRECATED] Jasmine (v2.x) Grunt task for NodeJS. Supports Jasmine features such as fdescribe, fit, beforeAll, afterAll, etc... Built-in reporters: Default (Console) Reporter, JUnit XML, NUnit XML, TeamCity, TAP Reporter.
jasmine jasmine-node grunt gruntplugin node task runner spec test and 8 more...


© 2018, Onur Yıldırım (@onury). MIT License.

:warning: DEPRECATED

I stopped using Grunt (or Gulp) in my projects. Instead I'm using npm scripts.
Why? You can read these articles which I agree with:

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NOTE: If you like the default reporter of this plugin, I'm still maintaining Jasmine Console Reporter.

Jasmine (v2.x) Grunt multi-task for NodeJS with built-in reporters such as Default (Console) Reporter, JUnit XML, NUnit XML, Terminal Reporter, TeamCity, TAP Reporter. Supports the latest Jasmine features such as fdescribe, fit, beforeAll, afterAll, etc...

Example Screenshot

Getting Started

npm i grunt-jasmine-nodejs --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


jasmine_nodejs task

Run this task with the grunt jasmine_nodejs command.
The --verbose option will additionally output list of enabled reporters, spec and helper file lists.

Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.

The --filter option will filter the spec files by their file names that match the filter.
grunt jasmine_nodejs --filter=foo,bar


useHelpers : Boolean — Default: true

Specifies whether to execute the helper files.

helpers : Array — Default: []

Defines the global helper files to be loaded before running specs. These helpers will be available to all task targets. If you need to define target-specific helpers, define them within the target definition object.

random : Boolean — Default: false

Specifies whether to run specs in semi-random order. Helpful for detecting inter-dependencies in between the specs.

seed : Number — Default: null

Sets the randomization seed if randomization is turned on.

defaultTimeout : Number — Default: 5000

By default Jasmine will wait for 5 seconds for an asynchronous spec to finish before causing a timeout failure. If the timeout expires before done is called, the current spec will be marked as failed and suite execution will continue as if done was called. You can set the default timeout value (in milliseconds) globally with this option. To set/change the timeout for a particular spec, just pass a third argument to the spec.

stopOnFailure : Boolean — Default: false

Specifies whether to stop running further tests, on first expectation-failure. This can be useful if you want to debug your failed specs one by one. Note: Regardless of this option; the runner will still stop on suite failures (such as errors thrown in afterAll, etc) and as normal, Grunt will abort when a task/target fails.

traceFatal : Number|Boolean — Default: 1

On a fatal error (i.e. uncaughtException), Grunt exits the process without a stack trace. This option forces Grunt to output the stack trace. Possible integer values: 0 to 2. Set to 1 (or true) to only trace fatal errors. Set to 2 to also trace grunt warnings. This can also be achieved by the grunt --stack command.

reporters : Object — Default: undefined

Defines a list of built-in Jasmine reporter configurations to be used. If omitted, console reporter will be used as default. See the definitions and corresponding options for each reporter below.

Note that reporters producing command-line output (such as console, terminal, teamcity and tap reporters), are not allowed to run at the same time, to prevent puzzled outputs. If still enabled, only the first one (in respective order) will be used. This is not the case for reporters producing a file.

  • reporters.console : Object
    The built-in default reporter that outputs the detailed test results to the console, with colors.

    • colors : Number|Boolean — Default: 1
      Specifies whether the output should have colored text. Possible integer values: 0 to 2. Set to 1 (or true) to enable colors. Set to 2 to use the ANSI escape codes. Option 2 can be useful if, for example, you're running your tests from a sub-process, and the colors aren't showing up.

    • cleanStack : Number|Boolean — Default: 1
      Specifies the filter level for the error stacks. Possible integer values: 0 to 3. Set to 1 (or true) to only filter out lines with jasmine-core path from stacks. Set to 2 to filter out all node_modules paths. Set to 3 to also filter out lines with no file path in it.

    • verbosity : Number|Boolean — Default: 4
      (alias: verbose) Specifies the verbosity level for the reporter output. Possible integer values: 0 to 4. When a Boolean value is passed, true defaults to 4 and false defaults to 0. Level 0: reports errors only. Level 1: also displays a summary. Level 2: also reports pending specs. Level 3: additionally displays all suites and specs as a list, except disabled specs. Level 4: also lists disabled specs.

    • listStyle : String — Default: "indent"
      Indicates the style of suites/specs list output. Possible values: "flat" or "indent". Setting this to "indent" provides a better view especially when using nested (describe) suites. This option is only effective when verbosity level is set to 3, 4 or true.

    • activity : Boolean — Default: false
      Specifies whether to enable the activity indicator animation that outputs the current spec that is being executed. If your tests log extra data to console, this option should be disabled or they might be overwritten.

  • reporters.junit : Object
    JUnit XML Reporter that outputs test results to a file in JUnit XML Report format. The default option values are set to create as few .xml files as possible. It is possible to save a single XML file, or an XML file for each top-level describe, or an XML file for each describe regardless of nesting.

    • savePath : String — Default: ""
      Defines the directory path to save output report files. This directory will be automatically created if it does not already exist.

    • filePrefix : String — Default: "junitresults-"
      Defines the string value that is prepended to the XML output file. If consolidateAll is true, the default is simply "junitresults" and this becomes the actual filename, i.e. "junitresults.xml".

    • consolidateAll : Boolean — Default: true
      Specifies whether to save all test results in a single file. If set to true, filePrefix is treated as the full file name (excluding extension).

    • consolidate : Boolean — Default: true
      Specifies whether to save nested describes within the same file as their parent. Setting to true does nothing if consolidateAll is also true. Setting to false will also set consolidateAll to false.

    • useDotNotation : Boolean — Default: true
      Specifies whether to separate suite names with dots instead of spaces. e.g. Class.init instead of Class init.

  • reporters.nunit : Object
    NUnit XML Reporter that outputs test results to a file in NUnit XML Report format. Allows the test results to be used in java based CI systems like Jenkins.

    • savePath : String — Default: ""
      Defines the directory path to save output report files. This directory will be automatically created if it does not already exist.

    • filename : String — Default: "nunitresults.xml"
      Defines the name of xml output file.

    • reportName : String — Default: "Jasmine Results"
      Defines the name for parent test-results node.

  • reporters.terminal : Object
    Similar to the default console reporter but simpler.

    • color : Boolean — Default: false
      Specifies whether the output should have colored text.

    • verbosity : Number — Default: 2
      Specifies the verbosity level for the reporter output. Possible integer values: 0 to 3.

    • showStack : Boolean — Default: false
      Specifies whether to show stack trace for failed specs.

  • reporters.teamcity : Boolean
    TeamCity Reporter that outputs test results for the Teamcity build system. There are no options to specify for this reporter. Just set this to true to enable the reporter.

  • reporters.tap : Boolean
    Reporter for Test Anything Protocol (TAP), that outputs tests results to console. There are no options to specify for this reporter. Just set this to true to enable the reporter.

customReporters : Array — Default: undefined

Defines a list of custom Jasmine reporters to be used. Each item should be an initialized reporter instance with interfaces such as jasmineDone, specDone, etc...

Usage Example

    jasmine_nodejs: {
        // task specific (default) options
        options: {
            useHelpers: true,
            // global helpers, available to all task targets. accepts globs..
            helpers: [],
            random: false,
            seed: null,
            defaultTimeout: null, // defaults to 5000
            stopOnFailure: false,
            traceFatal: true,
            // configure one or more built-in reporters
            reporters: {
                console: {
                    colors: true,        // (0|false)|(1|true)|2
                    cleanStack: 1,       // (0|false)|(1|true)|2|3
                    verbosity: 4,        // (0|false)|1|2|3|(4|true)
                    listStyle: "indent", // "flat"|"indent"
                    activity: false
                // junit: {
                //     savePath: "./reports",
                //     filePrefix: "junit-report",
                //     consolidate: true,
                //     useDotNotation: true
                // },
                // nunit: {
                //     savePath: "./reports",
                //     filename: "nunit-report.xml",
                //     reportName: "Test Results"
                // },
                // terminal: {
                //     color: false,
                //     showStack: false,
                //     verbosity: 2
                // },
                // teamcity: true,
                // tap: true
            // add custom Jasmine reporter(s)
            customReporters: []
        your_target: {
            // target specific options
            options: {
                useHelpers: true
            // spec files
            specs: [
            // target-specific helpers
            helpers: [

Note: The target-level reporters object will override the task-level reporters object all together. They will not be merged.


  • v1.6.0 (2017-03-05)

    • specNameSuffix and helperNameSuffix options are deprecated. Use glob notation when defining spec and helper files for any task target.
    • Added helpers:Array option that defines global helper files that are available to all task targets.
    • Full file paths are now respected, (no need to match suffixes). Fixes issue #39.
    • (#dev) Added more helper tests.
    • Updated dependencies to their latest versions.

  • v1.5.4 (2016-08-21)

    • Console Reporter: cleanStack option would render the first line as the error message, not respecting messages with \n (new-line) in them. Fixed.
    • (#dev) Added before/after tests.
    • Updated dependencies to their latest versions.

  • v1.5.3 (2016-05-09)

    • Revised fatal error handler. (issue #34.)
    • Updated jasmine-console-reporter which fixes issue #33.
    • Updated dependencies to their latest versions.

  • v1.5.2 (2016-03-18)

    • Updated dependency jasmine-console-reporter which improved the colors option to support ANSI escape codes.

  • v1.5.1 (2016-03-01)

    • Removed String.prototype.endsWith() ES6 method. (Fixes Issue #32).

  • v1.5.0 (2016-02-26)

    • Updated Jasmine-Core (v2.4.1) and other dependencies to latest versions.
    • Added new (Jasmine) task options: random, seed and defaultTimeout. See docs.
    • Added new task option: traceFatal. See docs. (Fixes Issue #31)
    • Moved Console Reporter to its own repo.
    • Updated peerDependencies to support Grunt 1.0.
    • Code revisions and clean-up. (Also removed grunt.util._ refs (deprecated) in favor of lodash as a dep.)

  • v1.4.4 (2016-02-18)

  • v1.4.3 (2015-08-15)

    • Clear require cache to force helper files to be reloaded between executions. (PR @domtronn)

  • v1.4.2 (2015-07-05)

    • Console Reporter: Expanded verbosity levels (0 to 4). Setting to 3 will not report disabled specs anymore while listing others. Set to 4 (default) for the most verbose report. (Fixes Issue #17)
    • Console Reporter: useHelpers option does actually default to true now.
    • Updated Jasmine-Core and other dependencies to their latest versions.

  • v1.4.0 (2015-05-01)

    • Updated Jasmine-Core, added support for latest Jasmine version (2.3.0). Note that all xit specs are now treated as disabled instead of pending.
    • Added New Task Option: stopOnFailure. See documentation.
    • Fixed an issue where the task would exit before completing all targets. (Fixes Issue #15)
    • Revised dependencies. Updated console reporter.

  • v1.3.2 (2015-04-27)

    • Console Reporter: Changed the default value of report.console.activity option to false. This should not be enabled if your tests log extra data to console. Fixed activity output.

  • v1.3.0 (2015-04-21)

    • Console Reporter: Progressive console output. Each spec result is now output at real-time as it's executed. This effectively helps tracking unhandled errors. (Fixes Issue #7)
    • Console Reporter: Fixed mis-handled nested suites (describe blocks). Each spec result and nested suite is now correctly output in relation to its parent test siute. (Fixes Issue #10)
    • Console Reporter: Highlighted file name, line and column numbers in stacks. Only effective if reporters.console.colors is enabled.
    • Console Reporter: Fixed the stack-filter to support Windows file paths. (Fixes Issue #11)
    • Console Reporter: Improved option: cleanStack now also accepts a Number (integer) to determine the filter level. See documentation.
    • Console Reporter: Added new option: listStyle. See documentation.
    • Console Reporter: Improved option: verbosity (alias: verbose) now also accepts a Number (integer) to determine the verbosity level. See documentation.
    • Console Reporter: Clickable file paths in error stacks (This is useful only if your terminal supports it. For example, CMD+Click will open the file and move the cursor to the target line in iTerm 2 for Mac, if configured.)
    • Console Reporter: Added new option: activity. See documentation.
    • Obselete task options: Removed showColors and verboseReport. Use reporters.console.colors and reporters.console.verbosity options instead.
    • Enabled terminal reporter (similar to console reporter). Define reporters.terminal object to set its options.
    • Updated dependencies to their latest versions.

  • v1.0.2 (2015-03-11)

    • Console Reporter: Fixed undefined suite description issue for focused specs (fit(...)); which was breaking the spec-run. (Fixes Issue #9)

  • v1.0.1 (2015-03-06)

    • Console Reporter: Fixed symbols and colors for Windows platforms. (Fixes Issue #6)

  • v1.0.0 (2015-03-04)

    • Added new reporters: JUnit XML Reporter, NUnit XML Reporter, TeamCity Reporter, TAP Reporter. (Fulfills Issue #4). Implemented using jasmine-reporters.
    • Added new task option reporters. This object defines enabled reporters to be used in conjunction. See documentation.
    • Deprecated task options: showColors and verboseReport. These are refactored under reporters.console object.
    • Console Reporter: Added new option: cleanStack.
    • Added support for adding custom reporters. See customReporters task option.
    • Better output for Grunt --verbose command.
    • Code revisions and clean-up.

  • v0.4.1 (2015-03-03)

    • Console Reporter: Fixes for null stack trace & peer jasmine-core. (PR #3 by @fiznool)

  • v0.4.0 (2015-03-01)

    • Fixed a concatenation issue that would prevent helper-files from loading. (Fixes Issue #1)
    • Added new task option verboseReport which reports a verbose list of all suites.
    • Console Reporter: Improved reporter output.
    • Updated test example (added helper file).
    • Code clean-up.

  • v0.3.5 (2015-02-12)

    • Console Reporter: Cleaner error stacks. Filtered out lines with jasmine-core path.
    • Fixed a typo that caused the task to throw a TypeError when a test fails.
    • Console Reporter: Better reporter console output.

  • v0.3.1 (2015-02-07)

    • Console Reporter: Fixed timer (zero elapsed time) issue.

  • v0.3.0 (2015-02-07)

    • Updated Jasmine-core to latest version (2.2.1).
    • Added reporter for Jasmine output.
npm i grunt-jasmine-nodejs


  • MIT
  • >= 0.8.0
  • Onur Yıldırım
  • released 4/3/2018

