
Grunt Task that uses the git diff information to modify the content of files
gruntplugin git diff html jade


"Grunt Task that uses the git diff information to modify the content of files",

A simple Grunt multitask that uses git diff information to modify the content of files.

Used in paged-media-boilerplate.

Makes use of simple-git

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Use it with grunt

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-git-diff

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js gruntfile:



Here the available options with the corresponding defaults:

# Regex which is used to get the hunk
# Note, that the index 2 is the number of overwritten lines
# index 3 is the linenumber where to overwrite, and index 5 is the current 
# environment, important for jade parsing
hunkregex: /@@ \-(\d+),(\d+) \+(\d+),(\d+) @@([\s\S]*)/

# string which is prepended if a line is added
prependplus: "span(style='color:red') "

# string which is prepended if a line is deleted
prependminus: "span(style='color:red') " 

# function which is used to calculate the new strings based on the hunk
# corresponding prepend / append strings
cb = (hunk, environment, options) ->
  # default is to parse jade

Example with jade

First append this to your css:

span.strongred, span.strongred * {color:red !important;}
span.strongblue, span.strongblue * {color:blue !important;}

This is how the task could look like, which creates a jade diff:

    prependplus: "span.strongred " 
    prependminus:"span.strongblue "
    files: [
      expand: true,
      cwd: "jade/",
      src: ["**/*.jade"],
      ext: ".jade",
      dest: "tmp/"   

Release History

  • v0.0.7: using stdout stream
  • v0.0.6: Changed output / added test / bugfixed
  • v0.0.5: Bugfix
  • v0.0.4: major rework
  • v0.0.3: Bugfix
  • v0.0.2: Updated dependencies
  • v0.0.1: First Release


Copyright (c) 2014 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.

npm i grunt-git-diff


  • Unknown
  • *
  • Paul Pflugradt
  • released 7/18/2014

