
Generate a list of authors from the git history.


A grunt plugin for generating a list of authors from the git history.

Support this project by donating on Gratipay.

This project supports both a Node API and a Grunt API.

Grunt compatibility

v1.1.0+ is compatible with Grunt 0.4. If you're using Grunt 0.3, use v1.0.0.

Grunt API



Generates a list of authors in the form Name <email> in order of first contribution.

This task writes its output to the console, not to a file.

You can optionally run this task against a subdirectory:

grunt authors:path/to/directory


Creates or updates the file AUTHORS.txt with the list of authors.

You can optionally run this task against a subdirectory (the AUTHORS.txt file will be placed inside that directory):

grunt update-authors:path/to/directory


Updates package.json with the list of authors.

You can optionally run this task against a subdirectory (the package.json file inside that directory will be used):

grunt update-contributors:path/to/directory



Define the order of the list of authors. The default ordering is by first contribution {order: "date"}. An alternative ordering is by number of contributions {order: "count"}.

NOTE: This config value is used for the update-authors task as well.

    authors: {
        order: "count"


Define a list of authors that contributed prior to the first commit in the repo. This is useful if you've moved from another version control system.

NOTE: This config value is used for the update-authors task as well.

    authors: {
        prior: [
            "Jane Smith <[email protected]>",
            "John Doe <[email protected]>"

Node API

This module can also be used directly via require( "grunt-git-authors" ).

getAuthors( options, callback )

Gets the list of authors.

  • options (Object)
    • dir (String): Which directory to inspect for authors (defaults to ".").
    • priorAuthors (Array): An array of authors that contributed prior to the first commit in the repo.
    • order (String): Which criteria to use for ordering the authors. "date" will order by first contribution; "count" will order by number of contributions. Defaults to "date".
  • callback (function( error, authors )): A callback to invoke with the list of authors.
    • authors: An array of authors in the form of Name <email>.

updateAuthors( options, callback )

Creates or updates an authors file with all authors.

  • options (Object)
    • dir (String): Which directory to inspect for authors (defaults to ".").
    • priorAuthors (Array): An array of authors that contributed prior to the first commit in the repo.
    • order (String): Which criteria to use for ordering the authors. "date" will order by first contribution; "count" will order by number of contributions. Defaults to "date".
    • filename (String): Which file to create (defaults to "AUTHORS.txt").
    • banner (String): Text to place at the top of the file (defaults to "Authors ordered by first contribution").
  • callback (function( error, filename )`): A callback to invoke after writing the file.
    • filename: The path of the file that was written.

updatePackageJson( options, callback )

Updates package.json with all authors.

  • options (Object)
    • dir (String): Which directory to inspect for authors (defaults to ".").
    • priorAuthors (Array): An array of authors that contributed prior to the first commit in the repo.
    • order (String): Which criteria to use for ordering the authors. "date" will order by first contribution; "count" will order by number of contributions. Defaults to "date".
  • callback (function( error )`): A callback to invoke after writing the file.


This task respects mailmap, so if you have messy author info in your commits, you can correct the data in your mailmap and this task with output the cleaned up information. For more information, about using a mailmap, see the docs for git-shortlog or read Shane da Silva's blog post about Git Shortlog and Mailmap.


Copyright Scott González. Released under the terms of the MIT license.

Support this project by donating on Gratipay.

npm i grunt-git-authors


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Scott González
  • released 4/18/2016

