
A Grunt plugin for running server-side Mocha tests that actually works.
gruntplugin mocha server bdd tdd tests


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A Grunt plugin for running server-side Mocha tests that actually works.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-cafe-mocha --save-dev

One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


This plugin requires npm ~1.4.6

In practice, this should only be a problem if you are targeting Node 0.8. In this case, you will need to upgrade npm manually using a command like this:

npm install -g npm@~1.4.6

The "cafemocha" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named cafemocha to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  cafemocha: {
    testThis: {
        src: 'test/this/**/*.js',
        options: {
            ui: 'bdd',
            require: [

    /// Any number of tests here...

    testThat: {
        src: 'test/that/*.js',
        options: {
            ui: 'tdd',
            growl: true,
            reporter: 'nyan',



Type: List

Default value: []

A list of modules to load before running the tests.


Type: String

Default value: 'list'

A string value to pick which reporter to use when testing. To see a list of all the reporters, check here.

If using the reporter html-cov or json-cov, take a special look at the coverage option.


Type: String

Default value: 'bdd'

A string value to pick which type of user-interface to use. The options are bdd, tdd, or exports. Read more about interfaces here.


Type: String to be turned into a RegExp

Default value: .*

A string value to run tests that only match the given pattern. For example, if the Mocha test file has the tests: test1, test2, test3, test4, if options.grep = 'test[12]', it will only match the first two tests and run them.


Type: Boolean

Default value: false

Either true or false that will either match invert the matching. Using the example from the section for options.grep, setting this option to true would result in the last two tests being ran, but not the first two.


Type: Integer

Default value: 2000

The tiemout time for a test-case in milliseconds.


Type: Integer

Default value: 75

Threshold for a "slow" test in milliseconds.


Type: Boolean

Default value: undefined

True forces the enabling of colors while false forces the disabling of colors.


Type: Boolean

Default value: false

Enable Growl/OS X (10.8) notification system on test completion.


Type: Boolean

Default value: false

Bail after the first test failure.


Type: List

Default value: []

A list of globals names.


Type: Boolean

Default value: false

Ignore global variable leaks


Type: Boolean | Object

Default value: false

Turns on the coverage feature. If options.coverage is set to true, the following defaults are used:

    output: 'coverage.html',
    env: 'COV'

To override the defaults, just pass in an object like so:

coverage: {
    output: 'coverageTwo.html',

The output option is a path to where the coverage output will be saved to.

The env option is the name of the process.env variable to set to a truthy value. For example, if coverage.env = 'ENHANCED_COVERAGE' then in your project, process.env['ENHANCED_COVERAGE'] will be truthy.

Check out the Coverage Example for more details.

Usage Examples

Basic Behavioral-driven Development

  cafemocha: {
    src: 'test/**/*.js',
    options: {
        ui: 'bdd',

Basic Test-driven Development

    cafemocha: {
        src: 'test/**/*.js',
        options: {
            ui: 'tdd',

Require More Modules

    cafemocha: {
        options: {
            require: ['should', 'something', 'else', 'here'];
        src: 'test/**/*.js'

More Tests

    cafemocha: {
        foo: {
            src: 'test/foo/*.js',
            options: {
                ui: 'tdd',

        bar: {
            src: 'test/bar/*.js',
            options: {
                ui: 'bdd',

Coverage Example

The complete example of this is included in the example/ directory.

    cafemocha: {
        // Setting 'coverage' option to true, using defaults
        coverageOne: {
            src: 'test/*.js',
            options: {
                ui: 'bdd',
                reporter: 'html-cov',
                coverage: true,
                require: [

        // Setting 'coverage' option to an object, overriding defaults
        coverageTwo: {
            src: 'test/*.js',
            options: {
                ui: 'bdd',
                reporter: 'html-cov',
                coverage: {
                    output: 'coverageTwo.html',
                    env: 'ENHANCED_COVERAGE',
                require: [


Feel free to fork it and add as you please. If you add a particularly nice feature, send me a pull request. I'd love to improve it.

Todo List

  • Support the --compilers option in Mocha
  • Support the watching of files for changes


  • Unknown
  • >= 0.8.0
  • Josh Davis
  • released 2/8/2014

