
Promise-free wrapper for GraphQL.


This is a promise-free wrapper of GraphQL.js for ArangoDB that replaces all asynchronous code with synchronous equivalents.

Getting Started

An overview of GraphQL in general is available in the README for the Specification for GraphQL.

ArangoDB example

You can use GraphQL-sync in ArangoDB to build your own GraphQL endpoints directly inside the database using the Foxx framework.

An example Foxx service using GraphQL-sync is available as demo-graphql in the Foxx service store. You can find out more about using GraphQL with Foxx in the ArangoDB blog article Using GraphQL with NoSQL database ArangoDB.

Using GraphQL-sync

Install GraphQL-sync from npm

npm install --save graphql-sync

GraphQL-sync provides two important capabilities: building a type schema, and serving queries against that type schema.

First, build a GraphQL type schema which maps to your code base.

import {
} from 'graphql-sync';

var schema = new GraphQLSchema({
  query: new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'RootQueryType',
    fields: {
      hello: {
        type: GraphQLString,
        resolve() {
          return 'world';

This defines a simple schema with one type and one field, that resolves to a fixed value. The resolve function can return a value, a promise, or an array of promises.

Then, serve the result of a query against that type schema.

var query = '{ hello }';

var result = graphql(schema, query);

// Prints
// {
//   data: { hello: "world" }
// }

This runs a query fetching the one field defined. The graphql function will first ensure the query is syntactically and semantically valid before executing it, reporting errors otherwise.

var query = '{ boyhowdy }';

var result = graphql(schema, query);

// Prints
// {
//   errors: [
//     { message: 'Cannot query field boyhowdy on RootQueryType',
//       locations: [ { line: 1, column: 3 } ] }
//   ]
// }


GraphQL is BSD-licensed. Facebook also provides an additional patent grant.

npm i graphql-sync


