
Compile stylus files with gobble
css gobble gobble-plugin stylus


Render stylus as CSS as a gobble transformation.

Note: When I made this a few weeks ago, no "gobble-stylus" existed on npm. Since this one works rather differently than that one I’m publishing it anyway. The differences are that this one is file-style and allows more than a single src/dest, and the definitions option, which for my own use case is critical.


If you haven’t installed gobble yet, do that first. This is your usual npm install.

npm install gobble-stylus-2 --save-dev


In your gobblefile, you can now use the transformation.

import 'gobble';

export default gobble('my-stylus-directory').transform('stylus-2', opts);

When you provide the first transform arg as a string, Gobble goes looking for it on its own; no need to require. However you can also require it and pass in the module itself instead of a string.


For the most part, the options object is identical to the one you’d normally pass to the stylus API’s render method. There are four exceptions: filename, sourceRoot and basePath options aren’t relevent because that logic falls under gobble’s purview, and definitions is an option unique to this module to provide indirect access to stylus’ define method.

Opt specific to gobble-stylus-2

  • definitions: An object hash of variable names / values. This corresponds with the define method -- the values can be functions or strings or whatever.

Regular stylus opts

  • compress: Boolean -- compress the output
  • hoist atrules: Boolean -- moves @import / @export to the top
  • imports: An array of files to additionally import
  • include css: Boolean -- include regular CSS on @import
  • paths: An array of paths which css includes can be relative to. Note that if you’re used to using the stylus method include, this is its equivalent -- include() seems to just be aspartame for paths.push().
  • prefix: Not sure if this is related to vendor prefixes or what.
  • resolve url: Boolean -- resolve relative URLs in imports
  • sourcemap: If truthy, generate sourcemap. In gobble-stylus, sourcemaps are default. This can also be an object with additional options:
    • comment: Adds that comment line that I hate (not sure if this is actually observed because of how Gobble handles sourcemaps later)
    • inline: Inlines the map as base64 (...wait what?)
    • sourceRoot: String; set the map’s source root
    • basePath: Default: .
  • use: An array of stylus middleware / plugin things (or a single one)
  • warn: Boolean -- warn on weirdness

I think there are more options, too; not all of them are documented, though some only make sense when using the CLI.

Regular gobble opts

  • accept Array of file extensions to recognize as stylus. Default is .styl and .stylus.
  • ext: The output file extension.


This operates on any files in the gobble node that end in a stylus extension (styl, stylus). If you went to target a specific file (perhaps one that includes its peers explicitly), just use gobble’s built-in node methods to select it:

gobble('css').include('index.css').transform('stylus-2', opts);
npm i gobble-stylus-2


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Darien Maillet Valentine
  • released 6/15/2015

