
A livereload cli tool that eats globs.
livereload glob cli


npm npm npm

A livereload cli tool that eats globs.

$ glob-lr 'www/**' '!www/vendor/**'
LiveReload listening on port 35729
LiveReload added 10 files

I guess you can use it in Node too if you want:

var globlr = require('glob-lr');
var lr = globlr(['www/**', '!www/vendor/**'], opts);
// Now lr.watcher is a chokidar instance, lr.server is a
// listening tiny-lr server, and lr.shutdown() will close everything.

The globs are passed as an array to chokidar. Make sure they are quoted when using the cli. Folders named "node_modules", ".git", ".svn", or ".hg" and files within are ignored by default. tiny-lr is the livereload server which serves the livereload snippet and notifies the client.

Install using npm globally: $ npm install -g glob-lr

Or in your project's package.json: $ npm install --save-dev glob-lr


Watch all files of any depth within www/ but not any within www/vendor/, wait 5 seconds before reloading on changes:

glob-lr 'www/**' '!www/vendor/**' --delay 5000

Watch files of any depth within directories named "www" at any depth from the current working directory but exclude directories named "vendor" at any depth:

glob-lr '**/www/**' '!**/vendor/**'

Watch javascript files within static/ except for files with names beginning with "foo" but do watch "foobaz". Also, ignore jonathan.

glob-lr 'static/*.js' '!static/foo!(baz).js' '!static/jonathan.js'

Watch only css, html, and js files within a client directory as part of a npm watch script:

    "scripts": {
        "watch": "run-p watch:*",
        "watch:livereload": "glob-lr 'client/**/*.{css,js,html}'",
        "watch:server": "nodemon server/"
    "devDependencies": {
        "npm-run-all": "^2.2.0",
        "nodemon": "^1.9.2",
        "glob-lr": "^0.1.0"

Enabling LiveReload

You'll either need the browser extension OR you can embed the snippet into your HTML.


Cli parameters are parsed with minimist and merged with the options object which is passed to chokidar and tiny-lr. For example --followSymlinks false will configure chokidar's followSymblinks option. Chokidar and tiny-lr have a number of their own options in addition to glob-lr's defaults:

port: (default 35729) (shorthand -p) The livereload port your livereload client script or browser extension tries to connect to

delay: (defualt 200) (shorthand -d) Milliseconds to debounce file changes before telling tiny-lr to notify the client

quiet: (default false) (shorthand -q) Suppress console output (unless you are debugging with DEBUG=glob-lr)

noDefaultGlobs: (default false) Files within directories named node_modules, .git, .svn, and .hg are ignored by default. Setting this will disable ignoring them

Node API

var lr = globlr(globs, opts)

Globs is an array of glob strings or a single glob string which will be made an array. The default globs will be added to the end of this array and it will then be passed to chokidar.


The instance of chokidar so you have access to its API directly.


The instance of tiny-lr so you have access to its API directly.


Will cancel any debounced notifications and call the close methods of the watcher and server to allow the process to end.


Integer, the number of files being watched at the moment.



npm i glob-lr


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • DSKrepps
  • released 7/2/2016

