
Add a github corner to a stream of html
github corners repo metadata repository


Add a Github corner to a stream of html

Build Status npm version Dependency Status Semistandard Style unstable


Tim Holman's Github Corners are great! This is a quick way to avoid having to copy/paste them by hand. 😀


$ npm install github-cornerify


This tool works great with indexhtmlify and metadataify. For example:

$ browserify index.js | indexhtmlify | metadataify | github-cornerify > index.html


This tools takes a stream of html and transforms it to include a github corner. It looks first to direct options, then to the repository field of the nearest package.json, and finally will accept any of these options from a github-corner field in package.json.

     --help  Display this message and exit
       --bg  Background color
       --fg  Foreground color
   --zindex  Z-index of corner
      --url  Repository url (by default, looks at repository url of nearest package.json
     --side  Either "left" or "right"
    --class  CSS class for element. By default, "github-corner"

  $ browserify index.js | indexhtmlify | metadataify | github-cornerify > index.html


This can also be used as a through stream:


This creates a through stream that transforms html to include a github corner. The options are exactly the same as for the command line version:

  • bg: A valid CSS color for the triangular background
  • fg: A valid CSS color for the octocat foreground
  • zindex: The z-index of the corner. Default is 10000.
  • url: A url to use in the link. If not provided, the nearest package.json will be located and analyzed. The repository.url field will be used and will be transformed to a web url—that is, the git:// protocol is fine here. (Note: [email protected]/... is not yet implemented)
  • side: 'left' | 'right'. Default side for the link is the right side.
  • class: An optional CSS class for the element. Default is .github-corner.

Returns: A through stream that appends CSS into the head tag and prepends the github corner to the HTML.

See Also


© 2016 Ricky Reusser. MIT License. Original assets are adapted from tholman/github-corners. See LICENSE for more details.

npm i github-cornerify


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ricky Reusser
  • released 3/2/2017

