
Basic configuration and tooling shared across applications
ghost tooling config errors nconf configuration


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Basic configuration and tooling shared across applications


npm install ghost-ignition --save


yarn add ghost-ignition


Ignition offers the following features:

  • Logging
  • Errors
  • Config using nconf
  • HTTP Server
  • Debug



Property Type Required Default Description
domain String No 'localhost' The domain of your service. The domain is used to generate the log filenames.
env String No 'development' The environment is used for to generate the log filenames.
mode String No 'short' A specific option for stdout/stderr logging. You can configure if the logger should log with "long" (many information) or "short" (less information) output.
level String No 'info' Configure the default log level. The log level ("info", "warn", "error") defines which logs should be piped into stdout and log files.
transports Array No ['stdout'] A comma separated list of transports. Available transports are: file, stdout, stderr, loggly, gelf
rotation Object No {enabled: true, period: '1w', count: 100} If file transport is enabled, you can configure if you would like to enable log rotation.
path String No process.cwd() If file transport is enabled, the path config can be used to define the target log folder.
loggly Object No null If loggly transport is enabled, you can send your logs to loggly.
gelf Object No null If GELF transport is enabled, you can send your logs to GELF collector.


const ignition = require('ghost-ignition');

const logging = ignition.logging({
    domain: '',
    env: 'production',
    mode: 'long',
    level: 'info',
    transports: ['file'],
    rotation: {enabled: true, period: '1d', count: 10},
    path: '/var/log'

Examples{req: req, res: res});{req: req, res: res, err: err});'Info');
logging.error(new Error());
logging.warn('this', 'is', 'a', 'warning');
logging.debug('this is a debug mode');
logging.warn(err, 'Caught an error from service X.');
logging.warn('A friendly message.', err);
logging.warn('A friendly message.', {err: err});



Ignition creates two log files by default:

  • An errors log file, which only contains logs from logging.error
  • A general log file, which contains all logs from, logging.warn and logging.error

If you would like to open a log file on disk, we highly recommend to install bunyan with NPM (npm i -g bunyan). You can then open your log file with bunyan your.log in the shell, which makes it possible to read the content.


The loggly transport makes it possible to send your logs to loggly. The stream will only send errors to loggly at the moment.


const ignition = require('ghost-ignition');

const logging = ignition.logging({
    transports: ['file', 'loggly'],
    loggly: {
      token: 'token',
      subdomain: 'subdomain',
      // The "match" property is helpful if you only want to send specific errors to loggly. It's a regex string.
      match: 'level:critical' // or 'statusCode:500|statusCode:403'


The transport makes it possible to send logs to the GELF UDP collector.


const ignition = require('ghost-ignition');

const logging = ignition.logging({
    transports: ['gelf'],
    gelf: {
      host: '', // Default: ''
      post: 12345               // Default: 12201


ENV Variables

Ignition accepts some env variables to modify the log output.

LEVEL=error - Only print errors. MODE=long - Show full & long log output. LOIN=true - Set's the level to "info" and the mode to "long".


Ignition errors contains a set of useful & common error classes. Each Ignition error inherits from Node's native error and keeps the structure!

Extra properties

On top of the native error properties (message, code, stack), Ignition errors support the following properties:

Property Description
id A unique error ID, which every error get's attached.
statusCode The HTTP status code.
level Indicates if an error is "critical" or "normal".
errorType Name/type of the error.
context Context the error is in e.g. user was logged in
help This property is useful to e.g. show a link to docs.
errorDetails Extra detailed information you can pass in.

List of errors

Error Status Code Level Description
InternalServerError 500 critical Common error for internal errors.
IncorrectUsageError 400 critical Mis-usage inside the code base.
NotFoundError 404 normal Common error if a resource/page cannot be found.
BadRequestError 400 normal Common error if the request structure is wrong.
UnauthorizedError 401 normal Common error if authentication failed.
NoPermissionError 403 normal Common error if the request has no permissions.
ValidationError 422 normal Common error if the request input/content is invalid.
UnsupportedMediaTypeError 415 normal Common error if the media inside a request is unsupported.
TooManyRequestsError 429 normal Common error for handling brute forcing.
MaintenanceError 503 normal Helpful error if your application is in maintenance mode.
MethodNotAllowedError 405 normal Helpful error if e.g. the request method is unsupported.
RequestEntityTooLargeError 413 normal Helpful error if file upload is too big.


new logging.errors.InternalServerError({
    message: 'Something went very wrong',
    context: {
        user: 1

// Ignition supports nested errors. It will try to inherit properties and extend the stack trace.
// This is super useful if you receive an error from a calling unit, but you would like to wrap it into a custom error.
new logging.errors.InternalServerError({
    err: err

Error utils

const ignition = require('ghost-ignition');

// you can pass any error and ignition will tell you if this is a custom ignition error

// serialize an error to a specific format
ignition.errors.utils.serialize(err, {format: 'jsonapi|oauth'});

// deserialize specific format to error instance


Ignition config uses nconf to create a configuration object based on your environment.


  • Create config files based on your available environments.
  • Instantiate Ignition config.
  • Read nconf documentation to understand how to use the config object.


config.example.json (defaults)

  "port": 9999


  "host": ""


  "host": "localhost"
// As soon as you call the config object, Ignition will read your config files from disk and returns a config object.
// The config object is then cached. You can operate on the config object using `set` and `get` (see [nconf](
const config = require('ghost-ignition').config();

// -> {port: 9999, host: localhost}


Ignition debug offers an easy way to add debugging to your application. It wraps the debug NPM module to simplify how to add debug information to your files. Ignition debug will try to read your package.json to get the name/alias of your application. You can enable the debug log by passing the "DEBUG" environment variable.




  "name": "myproject",
  "alias": "proj" 
const debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('api-controller');

debug('Calling the model layer.');

// DEBUG=proj:api-controller yarn start


The HTTP server bundles common logic in one place.

  • error handling for the HTTP server
  • port normalisation


  • Express
  • Ignition config


const ignition = require('ghost-ignition');


  • yarn lint run just eslint
  • yarn test run eslint && then tests


  • yarn ship

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Ghost Foundation - Released under the MIT license.

npm i ghost-ignition


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ghost Foundation
  • released 6/14/2021
