
Crawler UI Dashboard
crawler dashboard

Crawler Dashboard

Crawler Dashboard to control ghcrawler application.

  • Displays queued active messages.
  • Displays message rates.
  • Displays and allows to change configuration.
  • Allows to queue request.
  • Allows to recrete queues.
  • Allows to get and delete requests from a queue.



Environment Variables

The bare minimum configuration is:

  "DEBUG_ALLOW_HTTP" : true,

For more options see env/env-template.json file.

The variables may be set either individually as environment variables or in env.json file at the same level as the project (ghcrawler-dashboard/../env.json).

Install Node packages

$ npm install


$ npm test


DEBUG=appinsights npm start or

DEBUG=* npm start

Note: Local environment can be accessed at http://localhost:4000.


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npm i ghcrawler-dashboard


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 5/6/2019
