
An evented data API
model data mdv model-driven


Gaffa evented data interface



An EXTREMELY powerful model API wrapper.


Keeping track of model changes is hard.

Checking properties is tedious

Mantaining hard references to properties is annoying.

Gedi makes it easy, quick, and maintainable.



To wrap a model

var model = new Gedi({bla:[1,2,3]});

Model accessing


To access the model, use paths

Path syntax is like HTML paths:

 ^     ^       ^          ^
root   |   sub property   |
 property on model     sub sub property

This syntax is used as a way to reference value within the model, and is used by the get() set() remove() and bind() functions.

Paths can be worked with however you like, as they are just strings. However the gedi-paths module has a number of helper functions that can make working with paths easier.

Make a path from a key:

var paths = require('gedi-paths');

var path = paths.create('thing'); 

// returns '[thing]'

Resolve a path:

var resolvedPath = paths.resolve('[/hello]', '[things]', '[..stuff]', '[majigger]');

// resolvedPath will be [hello/majigger]

You can go up levels to a specific key in a path:

var resolvedPath = paths.resole('[/accounts/5/docs/4/title]', '[]');

// resolvedPath will be [/accounts/5/docs]

You can go to the last removed key after going up a level:

var resolvedPath = paths.resolve('[/accounts/5/docs/4/title]', '[..accounts/#/id]');

// resolvedPath will be [/accounts/5/id]


Expressions can be used to manipulate the data as it is being retrieved from the model. Gedi Expressions use Gel to perform opperations.

Expressions are logically functional, and as such have no side-effects.



get will return the value of the model, at the path specified. if get is called with a falsy path, eg undefined, it will return the entire model.


// returns the model

Access the 'bla' property:

return model.get('[bla]');

// returns the array [1,2,3]

Access an index

return model.get('[bla/2]');

// returns 3

Use an expression to get the length of an array:

model.get('(length [property/someArray])');

// will throw a "parameter was not an object" error because the array doesn't exist..

Access via a relative path

return model.get('[2]', '[bla]');
                   ^       ^
                  Path   Parent Path

// returns 3

This is useful when you have a group of opperations to do at a common path depth

var model = new Gedi({
                thing: 'a',
                stuff: 'b',
                whatsits: 'c'
    currentPath = '[property/majigger]',
    thing = model.get('[thing]', currentPath),
    stuff = model.get('[stuff]', currentPath),
    whatsits = model.get('[whatsits]', currentPath);


gaffa ( uses this feature to resolve paths in nested viewItems

Relative paths are also useful when using expressions:


    return model.get('(filter [] {item (= item "b")})', currentPath);

    // will return {stuff: 'b'}


To modify the model:

model.set('[property/majigger/thing]', 'hello');

set() can also be relative:

model.set('[thing]', 'hello', '[property/majigger]');

If you set into a non-existant path, gedi will automatically create objects to put your value in:

model.set('[this/does/not/exist/yet]', 'Now It Does');

If you use an integer in a path, gedi assumes the object is an array:

model.set('[missingArray/0]', 'item');

// will create a new array at model.missingArray

You can also set into expressions.

model.set('(last [someArray])', 'item');

// will set the last index of someArray to 'item'
// Assuming someArray exists

You can also set into the sub-paths of an expression. (Oh yes..)

model.set('(map (filter [someArray] {item (>item.age 100)}) {item item.dead})', true);

// will set all dead properties on items in someArray over
// the age of 100 to true

You can also remove via sub-paths of an expression. (lel..)

model.remove('(filter [someArray] {item item.dead})');

// will remove all dead items in someArray

Binding to changes

Callbacks can be bound to the model via Paths or Expressions:

Binding to a Path

model.bind('[thing/stuff]', function(event){

model.set('[thing/stuff]', 5);

// will alert 5.

The property contains a path to the changed property, NOT the path used to bind the callback.

The event.getValue method returns the value at the path used to bind the callback.

Binding to Paths with wildcards

You can bind to paths containing wildcards to watch for changes to properties on items in an array:

model.bind('[thing/*/stuff/*/a]', function(event){

gedi.set('[thing/1/stuff/1/a]', 1); // will alert 2
gedi.set('[thing/2/stuff/2/b]', 2); // will not trigger the callback, because the triggered path does not match the bound path

Binding to an Expression

if an Expression is passed to bind(), it will automatically detect every binding in the expression and set the callback to trigger when any referenced parts of the model changes.

model.bind('(|| [a] [b] [c])', function(event){
    // Do something.

The event object passed to the callback has a number of properties that can be useful:

target: The path that triggered the callback

binding: The expression that the callback is bound to.

captureType: can be 'target', 'bubble', 'sink', or 'arrayItem'. 
    - target means the event was captured directly on the target path
    - sink means the event was caused at a a parent path, and has sunk down to the bound path
    - bubble means the event was caused by a child path, and has bubbled up to the bound path
    - arrayItem is a type of bubble, but where the target path was a direct child of an array.
      this is usefull because effecting array children can affect the array's lenght property.
getValue: a callback that can be used to evaulate the expression that was used to bind the callback, and return the value, eg:

model.bind('(|| [a] [b] [c])', function(event){

model.set('[b]', 'b is now truthy'); // will alert b

model.set('[a]', 'a is now truthy'); // will alert a

model.set('[c]', 'c is now truthy'); // will alert a because a is already set, and it is truthy

Expressions with wildcards are not supported, as there is no logical way to handle an expression containing more than one wildcarded path.

Removing a binding

To stop listening for changes to the model, use .debind()

To remove a callback at a specific path:

model.debind('[a]', callback);

To remove a callback from gedi entirely:


To remove all callbacks at a specific path:



  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Kory Nunn
  • released 7/10/2014

