
Transform local files into Cloudinary-managed assets for Gatsby sites.
gatsby gatsby-plugin image cloudinary

Gatsby Transformer Cloudinary

With gatsby-transformer-cloudinary you may:

  • 🖼️ Add gatsby-plugin-image support to any GraphQL Types describing a Cloudinary assets.
  • 📤 Upload local and remote images to Cloudinary from within your Gatsby project.

📥 But if you want to pull data from your Cloudinary account into the Gatsby data layer use our other plugin, gatsby-source-cloudinary

This is a community library supported by the Cloudinary Developer Experience team.

📖 Table of Contents


🖼️ Add Gatsby Image Support to Existing Cloudinary Assets

Information about Existing Cloudinary Assets is sourced into the Gatsby data layer using a plugin like gatsby-source-contentful, gatsby-source-sanity etc. or a custom source plugin.

  • The plugin adds the gatsbyImageData resolver to the sourced GraphQL Types configured.

The GraphQL Type must describe an existing Cloudinary asset and contain the following data.

Install Packages

npm install gatsby-transformer-cloudinary gatsby-plugin-image


yarn add gatsby-transformer-cloudinary gatsby-plugin-image

Configure Plugins

// File: ./gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Some source plugin creating a GraphQL Type named `BlogPostHeroImage`
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-cloudinary`,
      options: {
        transformTypes: [
          // Assumes a GraphQL Type named `BlogPostHeroImage`
          // Could be a `BlogPost` node with a `heroImage` field
          // with the required data shape
        // Optional transformation option
        defaultTransformations: ['c_fill', 'g_auto', 'q_auto'],

Example Usage

// File: ./pages/{BlogPost.slug}.js

import React from 'react';
import { graphql } from 'gatsby';
import { GatsbyImage, getImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image';

const BlogPost = ({ data }) => {
  const { blogPost } = data;
  const gatsbyImage = getImage(blogPost.heroImage);
  return (
      <GatsbyImage image={gatsbyImage} aria-hidden="true" alt="Hero Image" />
      {/* ... */}

export const query = graphql`
  query BlogPostById($id: String!) {
    blogPost(id: { eq: $id }) {
      heroImage {
          height: 300
          aspectRatio: 2
          placeholder: TRACED_SVG
          transformations: ["c_fill", "e_grayscale"]

export default BlogPost;

Transform Type Requirements

Gatsby Image support may be added to any GraphQL Type describing a Cloudinary asset with the following data:

  // Required
  cloud_name: "my-amazing-blog",
  public_id: "blue-blue-blue",
  // Optional: Saves a network request for size/format data per image queried if all are added
  heigh: 360,
  width: 820,
  format: "jpg",
  // Optional: Saves a Cloudinary transformation per image queried with `placeholder=BLURRED` as this value will be used instead
  base64: "",
  // Optional: Saves a Cloudinary transformation per image queried with `placeholder=TRACED_SVG` as this value will be used instead
  tracedSVG: "data:image/svg+xml,",

If the GraphQL Type does not have the required data shape, you may configure how to resolve the data using the transformTypes configuration option:

// File: ./gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Some source plugin creating a GraphQL Type named `BlogPostHeroImage`
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-cloudinary`,
      options: {
        transformTypes: [
            type: `CustomType`,
            // Use a static value
            cloudName: 'my-cld-cloud',
            // Resolve a value using a function
            height: (data) => data.metadata?.height,
        // Optional transformation option
        defaultTransformations: ['c_fill', 'g_auto', 'q_auto'],

To find the GraphQL Type describing your Cloudinary assets use the built-in GraphiQL exlorer]( Either hover over the field describing the asset or look in the "Documentation Explorer".

defaultBase64 and defaultTracedSVG is the base64 URI of the placeholder image, it must comply with RFC 2397.

Private CDNs and custom delivery hostnames (CNAMEs)

If you are using a private CDN or a custom delivery hostname (CNAME) you may configure the plugin to do so. Read more about Private CDNs and CNAMEs.

// File: ./gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-cloudinary`,
      options: {
        transformTypes: [
            type: `CloudinaryAsset`,
            secureDistribution: '',

            // Or using privateCdn
            // privateCdn: true,

            // Or using cname
            // secure: false,
            // cname: '',
        // Optional transformation option
        defaultTransformations: ['c_fill', 'g_auto', 'q_auto'],
}; Configuration

If you are using and the gatsby-source-sanity plugin use the following configuration to add the gatsbyImageData resolver to the sourced Sanity Cloudinary assets:

// File: ./gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-sanity`,
      options: {
        projectId: process.env.SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
        dataset: process.env.SANITY_DATASET,
        token: process.env.SANITY_TOKEN,
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-cloudinary`,
      options: {
        transformTypes: [
            type: 'SanityCloudinaryAsset',
            // Dynamically get the cloud name
            // from SanityCloudinaryAsset.url
            cloudName: (data) => {
              const findCloudName = new RegExp('([^/]+)', 'i');
              const result = data.url.match(findCloudName);
              return result[1];
            // Or set it statically if all assets are from the same Cloudinary account
            // cloudName: "my-cld-cloud",

Contentful Configuration

If you are using Contentful and the gatsby-source-contentful plugin use the following configuration to add the gatsbyImageData resolver to the sourced Cloudinary assets:

// File: ./gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-contentful`,
      options: {
        spaceId: process.env.CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID,
        accessToken: process.env.CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN,
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-cloudinary`,
      options: {
        transformTypes: [
            // ❗❕ Replace `contentfulBlogPostFeaturedImageJsonNode`
            // with the name of the GraphQL Type describing your Cloudinary assets
            // will always start with `contentful` and end with `JsonNode`
            type: 'contentfulBlogPostFeaturedImageJsonNode',

            // Dynamically get the cloud name
            // from SanityCloudinaryAsset.url
            cloudName: (data) => {
              const findCloudName = new RegExp('([^/]+)', 'i');
              const result = data.url.match(findCloudName);
              return result[1];
            // Or set it statically if all assets are from the same cloud
            // cloudName: 'my-cld-cloud',


📤 Upload Local Images and Add Gatsby Image Support

If you upload local images to Cloudinary and skip the gatsby-transformer-sharp you speed up your build process and enjoy Cloudinary's transformations:

  • The plugin creates a CloudinaryAsset node for each image.
  • The plugin adds a gatsbyImageData resolver to each node by default.

This configuration and example assumes you have your images folder in the root of your project.

Install packages

npm install gatsby-transformer-cloudinary gatsby-source-filesystem gatsby-plugin-image


yarn add gatsby-transformer-cloudinary gatsby-source-filesystem gatsby-plugin-image

Configure plugins

// File: ./gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
      options: {
        name: `gallery`,
        path: `${__dirname}/gallery`,
      resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-cloudinary',
      options: {
        // Required for uploading
        cloudName: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME,
        apiKey: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY,
        apiSecret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET,
        // Optional uploading options
        uploadFolder: process.env.CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_FOLDER,
        uploadSourceInstanceNames: ['gallery'],
        overwriteExisting: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? true : false,
        // Optional transformation options
        transformTypes: ['CloudinaryAsset'],
        defaultTransformations: ['c_fill', 'g_auto', 'q_auto'],

process.env ⁉️ Read about env variables in the Gatsby docs.

Example Usage

Example of the plugin fetching an asset using the useStaticQuery API of Gatsby:

// File ./components/local-upload.js

import React from 'react';
import { graphql, useStaticQuery } from 'gatsby';
import { GatsbyImage, getImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image';

const LocalUploadExample = () => {
  // Using gatsby-transformer-sharp
  // commented out for comparison

  // const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
  //   query {
  //     file(name: { eq: "sergey-semin-unsplash" }) {
  //       childImageSharp {
  //         gatsbyImageData(height: 300, layout: FIXED)
  //       }
  //     }
  //   }
  // `);

  const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query {
      file(name: { eq: "sergey-semin-unsplash" }) {
        childCloudinaryAsset {
          gatsbyImageData(height: 300, layout: FIXED)

  // const gatsbyImage = getImage(data.file.childImageSharp);
  const gatsbyImage = getImage(data.file.childCloudinaryAsset);

  return (
      alt="Pirate photo by Sergey Semin from Unsplash."

export default LocalUploadExample;


📤 Upload Remote Images and add Gatsby Image Support

Upload remote images referenced in any node to Cloudinary and enjoy Cloudinary's transformations:

  • The plugin creates a CloudinaryAsset node for each image.
  • The plugin adds the gatsbyImageData resolver to each node by default.

Uploading remote image requires you to write some custom code. We'd like to make it configurable instead, let us know if you'd benefit by joining the discussion.

This configuration and example assumes your Gatsby Data Layer has at least one node of type Project with a coverImageUrl field containg a url pointing to a publically available image file.

Install Packages

npm install gatsby-transformer-cloudinary gatsby-plugin-image


yarn add gatsby-transformer-cloudinary gatsby-plugin-image

Configure Plugins

// File: ./gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-cloudinary',
      options: {
        // Required for uploading
        cloudName: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME,
        apiKey: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY,
        apiSecret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET,
        // Optional uploading options
        uploadFolder: process.env.CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_FOLDER,
        overwriteExisting: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? true : false,
        // Optional transformation options
        transformTypes: ['CloudinaryAsset'],
        defaultTransformations: ['c_fill', 'g_auto', 'q_auto'],

process.env ⁉️ Read about env variables in the Gatsby docs.

Example Usage

// File: ./gatsby-node.js

import { createRemoteImageNode } from 'gatsby-transformer-cloudinary';

export async function onCreateNode({
  actions: { createNode },
}) {
  if (node.internal.type === 'Project' && node.coverImageUrl) {
    // Upload the image to Cloudinary
    const imageNode = await createRemoteImageNode({
      url: node.coverImageUrl,
      parentNode: node,

    // Add node field to be used by "createSchemaCustomization"
    createNodeField({ node: node, name: 'coverImage', value: });

exports.createSchemaCustomization = (gatsbyUtils) => {
  const { actions } = gatsbyUtils;

  // Connect the node to the CloudinaryAsset using @link
  const ProjectType = `
      type Project implements Node  {
        coverImageUrl: String!
        coverImage: CloudinaryAsset @link(from: "fields.coverImage" by: "id")

// File: ./pages/{Article.slug}.js

import React from 'react';
import { graphql } from 'gatsby';
import { GatsbyImage, getImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image';

const Project = ({ data }) => {
  const { project } = data;
  const gatsbyImage = getImage(project.coverImage);
  return (
      <GatsbyImage image={gatsbyImage} aria-hidden="true" alt="Cover Image" />
      {/* ... */}

export const query = graphql`
  query ProjectById($id: String!) {
    project(id: { eq: $id }) {
      coverImage {
          height: 300
          aspectRatio: 2
          placeholder: TRACED_SVG
          transformations: ["c_fill", "g_auto:subject", "q_auto"]

export default Project;


🔌 Plugin Options

In gatsby-config.js the plugin accepts the following options:

cloudName (required for upload functionality)

You'll find your Cloudinary account's cloudName in your Cloudinary console.

Type: String
Default: n/a
Note: Store and retrieve your cloudName as an environment variable.

apiKey (required for upload functionality)

You'll find your Cloudinary API Key in the Cloudinary console.

Type: String
Default: n/a
Note: Store and retrieve your apiKey as an environment variable.

apiSecret (required for upload functionality)

You'll find your Cloudinary API Secret in your Cloudinary console.


When set to false uses http instead of https for the image urls.

Type: Boolean Default: true

height / width

Type: String
Default: n/a
Note: Store and retrieve your apiSecret as an environment variable.


An optional folder name where the uploaded assets will be stored on Cloudinary.

Type: String
Default: n/a\


An optional array limiting uploads to file nodes with a matching sourceInstanceName.

Type: [String]
Default: n/a\


An optional array of GraphQL Types to add the gatsbyImageData resolver for Gatsby Image support.

Type: [String] | [Object]
Default: ['CloudinaryAsset']


Whether to overwrite existing assets with the same public ID. When set to false, return immediately if an asset with the same Public ID was found. It's recommended that this is set to false in development as each image overwrite costs one Cloudinary transformation.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


The default value for the gatsbyImageData resolver argument transformations.

Type: [String]
Default: ['c_fill', 'g_auto', 'q_auto']


🖼️ Gatsby Plugin Image (gatsbyImageData) API

The plugin supports gatsby-plugin-image by adding a gatsbyImageData resolver to the configured GraphQL types.

Arguments for gatsbyImageData


An array of "raw" cloudinary transformations added to the initial transformation together with the width and height.

Type: [String]
Default:["c_fill", "g_auto", "q_auto"] or the configured defaultTransformations
Example: ["c_crop", "x_300"]

WARNING: Changing the sizing using transformations will mess with the Gatsby Image Component


An array of "raw" cloudinary transformations added after the initial transformations above.

Type: [String]
Default: []
Example: ["e_grayscale","e_pixelate_faces,e_tint:100:663399:0p:white:100p"]

WARNING: Changing the sizing using chained transformations will mess with the Gatsby Image Component


The style of the temporary image shown while the larger image is loaded.

Default: NONE
Example: BLURRED

NOTE: DOMINANT_COLOR is not supported

Read the Gatsby Plugin Image Docs for more information.

height / width

Read the Gatsby Plugin Image Docs on height / width.


Read the Gatsby Plugin Image Docs on aspectRatio.


Read the Gatsby Plugin Image Docs on layout.


Read the Gatsby Plugin Image Docs on backgroundColor.


Read the Gatsby Plugin Image Docs on breakpoints.


Read the Gatsby Plugin Image Docs on outputPixelDensities.


Read the Gatsby Plugin Image Docs on sizes.


When set to false use non-secure URLs (http) instead of secure URLs(https) for the image URLs.

Type: Boolean
Default: true


The custom domain name (CNAME) to use for building secure URLs (https).

Relevant only for users on the Advanced plan or higher that have a custom CNAME. For details, see Private CDNs and CNAMEs.

Type: String
Default: n/a


The custom domain name (CNAME) to use for building non-secure URLs (http), remember to set secure to false when using cname.

Relevant only for users on the Advanced plan or higher that have a custom CNAME. For details, see Private CDNs and CNAMEs.

Type: String
Default: n/a


Relevant only for users on the Advanced plan or higher that have private CDN distribution. For details, see Private CDNs and CNAMEs.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


📚 Other Resources


🏴‍☠️ Contribute

You may improve the documentation, help fellow users, report bugs, suggest enhancements, contribute code and more.

Get started by reading the contribution docs.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jason Lengstorf
  • released 2/19/2021
