
Bring scrollytelling to your mdx.
gatsby gatsby-theme gatsby-plugin code scrollytelling mdx blog

Gatsby Theme Waves

Still experimental but you can give it a try

Bring scrollytelling to your mdx. Animate code, images, charts, maps and more as you scroll.

The MDX looks like this:

import { CodeWave } from "gatsby-theme-waves"


# some code

# Some markdown

# more code

More markdown

> and more

# and more

- ok
- that's enough



You need a Gatsby site with MDX. For example, this is how you add gatsby-theme-waves to a site that uses gatsby-theme-blog:

  1. Install the theme (and deepmerge for merging the theme styles)

    npm install --save gatsby-theme-waves deepmerge
  2. Add the theme to your gatsby-config.js (at the end of the plugin list just in case)

    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
        "gatsby-theme-waves", // <-- add this
  3. Merge the styles: create or edit src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js

    import wavesTheme from "gatsby-theme-waves/src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index"
    import blogTheme from "gatsby-theme-blog/src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index"
    import merge from "deepmerge"
    export default merge(blogTheme, wavesTheme)
  1. Import CodeWave and use it in any MDX file

    import { CodeWave } from "gatsby-theme-waves"
    # some code
    # Some markdown
    # more code
    More markdown
    > and more
    # and more
    - ok
    - that's enough

Your set up should look like this example.

Code Blocks

By default the lines that changed between two consecutive code blocks will be highlighted. You can change it to highlihgt the line (and columns) you want:

```js 1:3,6
// highlihgts line 1,2,3 and 6

```js 5[1,3:6],8
// highlihgts:
// columns 1,3,4,5 and 6 from line 5
// and line 8

Coming Soon

  • Import code from files
  • Better custom code syntax highligthing using theme-ui
  • More waves
  • More docs
npm i gatsby-theme-waves


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Rodrigo Pombo
  • released 3/25/2020

