
Functional programming utilities written in ES6
es6 fp functional traceur


A functional programming library implemented in ES6.

Build Status
Branch Status Coverage Dependencies
master Master Coverage Status Master Dependencies
dev Dev Coverage Status N/A

Sauce Test Status

Installation and Use


Install using npm install {--save} fungus and include in your project:

var fungus = require('fungus');



Build Tasks

Task Description
make Runs the default task (make build.commonjs).
make test Runs the test suite. Runs both the test.node and test.browser tasks.
make test.node Runs the test suite in a Node environment.
make test.browser Runs the test suite in a browser environment.
make test.coverage.coveralls Runs the test suite in a Node environment, outputting a coverage report and sending it to the Coveralls code coverage tracking service.
make test.coverage.html Runs the test suite in a Node environment, outputting a HTML coverage report.
make build.commonjs Builds the library into ES5-compatible CommonJS modules.
make build.amd Builds the library into ES5-compatible AMD modules.
make build.script Builds the library into a single, ES5-compatible script file.
make docs Builds the documentation.
make watch Watch and rebuild the source and documentation on file changes. Runs as a background task via Watchman.
make unwatch Stop file watching.


To build the library, run the command listed above.


To run tests, run the command listed above.


To build documentation, run the command listed above. To view the built documentation:

cd .tmp/docs
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
open http://localhost:8000
npm i fungus


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.0 < 0.11
  • Nathan Houle
  • released 9/7/2014

