
Flux Standard Action creation with validation
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Flux Standard Action creation with schema validation.

npm install --save fsa-creator

This module started as a fork of redux-actions by Andrew Clark. It focuses in the creation of actions with handy specifications of mapping functions and schema validation.

createAction(type, ?payloadSpec, ?metaSpec)

payloadSpec and metaSpec are mapping function specifications for payloadand meta properties, respectively.

Returns an action creator function with following signature:

function actionCreator(?payloadInput, ?metaInput)

payloadInput and metaInput are the input of the respective mapping function.

A mapping function specification can be:

undefined or false (omission)

The property (payload or meta) will be omitted.

– Function (mapping)

A mapping function will be used.


let actionCreator = createAction('ACTION', arg => '(u' + arg + 'u)');

  type: 'ACTION',
  payload: '(u.u)'

true (identity mapping without validation)

The identity function will be used.


let increment = createAction('INCREMENT', true);
// same as
increment = createAction('INCREMENT', amount => amount);

  type: 'INCREMENT',
  payload: 42

– Plain object (identity mapping with validation)

A validated identity function will be used. JSONSchema v4 validation powered by is-my-json-valid.


let actionCreator = createAction('ACTION', {
  required: true,
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    hello: {
      required: true,
      type: 'string',
      description: 'A greeting'

  type: 'ACTION',
  error: true,
  payload: new Error('payload is required')

  type: 'ACTION',
  error: true,
  payload: new Error('payload.hello is required')

expect(actionCreator({hello: 123})).to.deep.equal({
  type: 'ACTION',
  error: true,
  payload: new Error('payload.hello is the wrong type')

expect(actionCreator({hello: 'world'})).to.deep.equal({
  type: 'ACTION',
  payload: {hello: 'world'}

– Array (property extraction)

A property extraction function will be used. This is thought to be used as a fast way of document expected properties, without defining a schema (yet).


let actionCreator = createAction('ACTION', ['prop1', 'prop3']);

expect(actionCreator({prop1: 1, prop2: 2, prop3: 3})).to.deep.equal({
  type: 'ACTION',
  payload: {
    prop1: 1,
    prop3: 3

NOTE: The more correct name for createAction function probably is createActionCreator(), but that seems a bit redundant.

npm i fsa-creator


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ricardo Stuven
  • released 8/17/2016

