
Get a map of the file system with information about the files at each path.
file system map stat paths


Get a map of the file system with information about the files at each path. The information populated is that which is returned from Node's fs.stat function.


npm install fs-map


var fsMap = require('fs-map');

// assume for this example that /directory/to/map has one file called file.txt
fsMap('/directory/to/map', { absolutePaths: false }, function(err, data) {
    console.log(data['file.txt'].isFile());     // true


fsMap ( directoryPath [, configuration ] [, callback ] )


  • directoryPath (string, required) - The file path to a directory that will be used as the root directory to build the file system map for.
  • configuration (object, optional) - The configuration object to define how the map should be built.
  • callback (function, optional) - A callback function to call with the file system map result. If this paramter is not used then the function will return a promise.

Configuration Options

  • absolutePath - Whether to map the file stats by absolute path (true) or relative path (false). Defaults to true.
  • depth - How deep to map directories (including sub-directories). Defaults to -1 for unlimited depth.
  • filter - A function that must return true to include a file or directory on the map. This function receives two parameters: 1) filePath, 2) stats. Defaults to function(path, stats) { return true; }

Returns nothing if a callback is specified or a Promise object if the callback function is omitted.

npm i fs-map


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • James Speirs
  • released 2/26/2016

