
Find and replace utility for node.js. Transform strings by running multiple RegExp or string find-and-replace patterns on a string in sequence, reducing the final string to the accumulated result of each transformation. Patterns can be strings (or arrays
expression expressions find format match matches modify pattern patterns and 22 more...

frep NPM version

Find, replace and string tranformation utility for node.js. Modify strings by passing an array or object of RegExp or string replacement patterns. Patterns can be strings, arrays of strings or regex, replacements can be strings or functions.


Install with npm:

npm i frep --save-dev


var replace = require('frep');

// Patterns can be strings, regex or arrays.
// Replacements can be strings or functions.
var replacements = [
    pattern: 'a',
    replacement: 'x'
    pattern: /b/,
    replacement: 'y'
    pattern: /c[\S]+/,
    replacement: function(match) {
      return match.toUpperCase();

console.log(replace.strWithArr('abcdefg', replacements));
//=> 'xyCDEFG'


// Transform a string with an array of replacement patterns
replace.strWithArr(String, replacements);
// Transform an array of strings with an array of replacement patterns
replace.arrWithArr(Array,  replacements);
// Transform a string with an object of replacement patterns
replace.strWithObj(String, replacements);
// Transform an array of strings with an object of replacement patterns
replace.arrWithObj(Array,  replacements);

.strWithArr( string, array )

Transform a string with an array of replacement patterns.


  • String: The string to modify with the given replacement patterns.
  • Array: Array of objects containing the replacement patterns, each including a pattern property (which can be a string or a RegExp), and a replacement property (which can be a string or a function to be called for each match).
  • A new string is returned with some or all matches replaced by the given replacement patterns.

Example 1

Given the following:

var patterns = [
    pattern: /[ABC]/g,
    replacement: '###'
    pattern: /[XYZ]/g,
    replacement: '$$$'

replace.strWithArr(str, patterns));
// => #########DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW$$$$$$$$$

patterns as arrays

Patterns may also be arrays. When replacement patterns are formatted as arrays Frep will first transform the array into a corresponding RegExp group:

Example 2

['[ABC]', '[XYZ]']

gets converted to:


Example 3

So the following will produce a similar result to Example 1, except ### is used to replace all patterns:

var patterns = [
    pattern: ['[ABC]', '[XYZ]'],
    replacement: '###'

replace.strWithArr(str, patterns));
// => #########DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW#########

.arrWithArr( array, array )

Transform an array of strings with an array of replacement patterns


  • Array: The string to modify with the given replacement patterns.
  • Array: Same as replacStr, this is an an array of objects containing the replacement patterns, each including a pattern property, which can be a string or a RegExp, and a replacement property, which can be a string or a function to be called for each match.
  • A new array of strings is returned with some or all matches replaced by the given replacement patterns.

Given the following:

Example 4

var arr = [
  'Jon Schlinkert',
  'Brian Woodward'

var patterns = [
    pattern: /(B|S)/g,
    replacement: '###'
    pattern: /(J|W)/g,
    replacement: '$$$'

replace.arrWithArr(arr, patterns));
// => ["$$$on ###chlinkert", "###rian $$$oodward"]

An array of new strings is returned, with some or all matches in each string replaced by the given replacement strings.

.strWithObj( string, object )

Transform a string with an object of replacement patterns


  • String: The string to modify with the given replacement patterns.
  • Object: Object of replacement patterns, where each key is a string or a RegExp pattern, and each value is the replacement string or function to be called for each match.
  • A new string is returned with some or all matches replaced by the given replacement patterns.

Example 5

Given the following:

var str = 'ABC'
var replacements = {
  'A': 'AAA',
  'B': 'BBB',
  'C': 'CCC',
  'D': 'DDD',
  'E': 'EEE',
  'F': 'FFF'

replace.strWithObj(str, replacements));

.arrWithObj( array, object )

Transform an array of strings with an object of replacement patterns


  • Array: The array of strings to modify with the given replacement patterns.
  • Object: Object of replacement patterns, where each key is a string or a RegExp pattern, and each value is the replacement string or function to be called for each match.
  • A new array of strings is returned with some or all matches replaced by the given replacement patterns.

Example 6

Given the following:

var arr = ['ABC', 'DEF'];
var replacements = {
  'A': 'AAA',
  'B': 'BBB',
  'C': 'CCC',
  'D': 'DDD',
  'E': 'EEE',
  'F': 'FFF'

replace.arrWithObj(arr, replacements));

Usage example

replace.strWithArray( string, array )

Slugify URL segments using frep

To run the example, first do: npm install frep underscore.string

var replace = require('frep');

// We'll use underscore string's slugify function for the first example
var _str = require('underscore.string');

// A custom slugification function for the second
var slugger = function(str) {
  return str.replace(/( |-|\.)/g, '_').toLowerCase();

// And a third slugification function for the last example
var sluggifier = function(str) {
  return str.replace(/( |\.)/g, '-');

// This is an object of data, where each property will be used
// to build up a URL that needs to be slugified.  e.g.
// => /foo/bar/baz
// (in reality, you would probably have an array of objects like this)
var obj = {
  foo: 'This is foo.',
  bar: 'ThIs iS bAr.',
  baz: 'THIS is BAZ.',

// Our custom replacement patterns. These are used to
// transform the data from each property
var patterns = [
    pattern: /:foo/g,
    replacement: _str.slugify( // underscore.string
    pattern: /:bar/g,
    replacement: slugger(  // custom function #1
    pattern: /:baz/g,
    replacement: sluggifier(obj.baz)  // custom function #2

// The first argument, a string, will be our "structure",
// which will determine where the values from each property
// will be placed. Run frep to see what happens!
console.log(replace.strWithArr(':foo/:bar/:baz', patterns));


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright (c) 2014 Jon Schlinkert, contributors. Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by verb-cli on May 14, 2014.

npm i frep


  • Unknown
  • >= 0.8.0
  • Jon Schlinkert
  • released 7/5/2014

