
A streaming client for flowdock flows
flowdock stream


A node module for streaming flowdock flows. NOTE: for the older API, check version 0.1.3.


npm install flowdock-stream


var FlowdockStream = require('flowdock-stream');
var org = 'organization';
var flows = ['flow', 'another'];
var apikey = 'personal-apikey';
var defaultRequestOptions = { proxy: 'http://user:pass@proxyserver' };
var flowdockStream = FlowdockStream.createClient(org, flows, apikey, defaultRequestOptions);

flowdockStream.on('ready', function () {
    console.log('flowdockStream is ready, flows:\r\n', flowdockStream.flows);

flowdockStream.on('data', function flowDockEventHandler(data) {
    var sourceFlow = flowdockStream.flows[data.flow];
    if (data.event === 'message') {
        var from = (data.user) ? sourceFlow.users[data.user] : null;
        console.log('a message from', from, data.content);
    } else if (data.event === 'join') {
        var flowName = sourceFlow.name;
        flowdockStream.getUsers(flowName, function setUsers(err, users) {
            if (err) return flowdockStream.emit('error', err);
            sourceFlow.users = users;
            flowdockStream.send(flowName, 'Hello ' + users[data.user]);

flowdockStream.on('error', function realGoodErrorHandler(err) {
    throw err;

Public methods

A stream is created with the only exported function as follows:

FlowdockStream.createClient( organization, flows, apikey, defaultRequestOptions )

  • first three arguments are mandatory, the apikey is a personal apikey, not an apikey of a flow (the module accesses the REST-API that requires the personal key)
  • the flows argument can be either a string (for a sinlge flow) or an array (for multiple flows)
  • the defaultRequestOptions is an object passed to the underlying request-module to use as default options
  • the stream will emit a ready event once the stream is about to start emitting data and the flows property has been set

The stream itself is a readable node.js stream in object-mode (each data-event holds a complete object), but added are a couple of methods for convenience:


  • Object that contains the names and urikeys as well as all of the users in the flow at the time of joining.

flowdockStream.getFlows( callback )

  • Function that takes a callback-function which returns two arguments error (Error), and flows (Object), this also gets all of the users for each flow.

flowdockStream.getUsers( flow, callback )

  • Function that takes the name of the flow flow and a callback-function which returns two arguments error (Error), and users (Object)

flowdockStream.send( flow, message, [commentToId], [callback] )

  • Function that can be used to send a message to the flow (you can pick the flow-name from the flows-object by the id in an event-callback, see the example). Optionally you can pass an message-id as the third argument to send the message as a comment to a previous message. Also takes an optional callback which is passed to the underlying request module.




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Olli Kankare
  • released 9/5/2016

