
Compare test fixtures with each other, with strings, and against the results of transforms.
test testing fixture file string comparison


Compare test fixtures with each other, with strings, and against the results of transforms.

Build Status v1.1.0

Compare a String to a Fixture

import {inputMatchesFile} from 'fixture-compare';
const input = 'some string';
const fixture = 'result.txt'
inputMatchesFile(input, fixture);

Run a Fixture Through a Transform

Loads a fixture, runs it through a transform, then compares the results to a fixture with the same name, appended with .output.

import fixtureCompare from 'fixture-compare';
const fixture = 'test-1';
const transform = (text) => text.split('').reverse();
fixtureCompare(fixture, transform);

Run a Fixture Through a Transform, Specify Result Fixture

Same as the previous example, but allows you to specify a different output file.

import fixtureCompare from 'fixture-compare';
const input = 'test-2';
const output = 'test-2.result';
const transform = (text) => text.split('').reverse();
fixtureCompare(input, transform, output);

Specify Fixtures Directory

By default, paths to fixtures are assumed to be relative to {cwd}/test/fixtures. To specify another directory...

import {setFixturesDir} from 'fixture-compare';
setFixturesDir(path.join(__dirname, 'somewhere/else'));

Log Differences

To log differences when fixtures do not match, use setLogging.

import {setLogging} from 'fixture-compare';
- expected
+ actual

-  \n
+  \n

     snett    ik eltt   il\n
   li   ttle ki    ttens  \n

kickstarted by npm-boom


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Jeremy Greer
  • released 7/26/2016

