
Node.js library to access the API


A Node.js SDK to interact with the API for currency conversion and exchange rates.

For release notes, see the CHANGELOG.

Build Status Known Vulnerabilities fixer-node Version

The Future Studio University supports development of this Node.js library 🚀
Join the Future Studio University and Skyrocket in Node.js


Node.js v8 (or newer)

fixer-node uses async/await which requires Node.js v8 or newer.


Add fixer-node as a dependency to your project:

# NPM v5 users, this way is yours
npm i fixer-node

# you’re using NPM v4:
npm i -S fixer-node


Initialize an instance of fixer-node and pass your access key as an argument:

const Fixer = require('fixer-node')
const fixer = new Fixer('access-key')


The constructor of fixer-node requires an access key as the first argument.

The second argument is an options object allowing the following properties:

  • https: (boolean) set the API base URL to either https or http; default: http
const Fixer = require('fixer-node')
const fixer = new Fixer('access-key', {
  https: true

Error Handling

fixer-node throws a custom error instance: FixerError.

The FixerError contains the API related error properties for info, code, and type. The error message is derived from the info property.

const Fixer = require('node-fixer')
const fixer = new Fixer('access-key')

try {
  const data = fixer.base({ base: 'USD' })
} catch (err) {
  // is the same as err.message,
  // e.g. "Your monthly API request volume has been reached. Please upgrade your plan"
  const info =

  // err.code the API code,
  // e.g. "201" which represents "An invalid base currency has been entered."
  const code = err.code

Find more details on errors in the API docs.


aka “how to use this library”

fixer-node supports all API endpoints. Here’s an overview on how to use the methods.


Request a list of currency symbols. This is a mapping between the currency shortcut (EUR) and full name (Euro).

const data = await fixer.symbols()


Request the latest exchange rates.

The .latest() method accepts two parameters:

  1. symbols: (string) a list of symbols you want the exchange rates for (this reduces the response payload)
  2. base: (string) the base currency
// get the latest rates for all currencies
const latest = await fixer.latest()

// get the latest rates for selected currencies
const latest = await fixer.latest({ symbols: 'EUR, USD, AUD' })

// get the latest rates for selected currencies and base
const latest = await fixer.latest({ symbols: 'EUR, USD', base: 'AUD' })


Request exchange rates for a given base.

// get all rates for a selected base
const base = await fixer.base({ base: 'AUD' })

// get specific rates for a selected base
const base = await fixer.base({ base: 'AUD', symbols: 'USD, EUR' })


Request historic exchange rates for a given day.

// get exchange rates for May 9th, 2018
const date = await fixer.forDate({ date: '2018-05-09' })

// with symbols
const date = await fixer.forDate({ date: '2018-05-09', symbols: 'USD, EUR, AUD' })

// with symbols and base
const date = await fixer.forDate({ date: '2018-05-09', symbols: 'EUR, AUD', base: 'USD' })


Convert an amount from one currency to another.

The .convert() method is aliased as fromTo(). Use both, .convert() and .fromTo(), for the same operation.

// 25 from GBP to JPY
const convert = await fixer.convert({ from: 'GBP', to: 'JPY', amount: 25 })

// 25 from GBP to JPY on 2018-05-08
const convert = await fixer.fromTo({ from: 'GBP', to: 'JPY', amount: 25, date: '2018-05-08' })


Historical exchange rates between two dates.

The .timeseries() method is aliased as between(). Use both, .timeseries() and .between(), for the same operation.

// start - end
const timeseries = await fixer.timeseries({
  start_date: '2018-05-05',
  end_date: '2018-05-08'

// start - end with base and symbols
const timeseries = await fixer.between({
  start_date: '2018-05-05',
  end_date: '2018-05-08',
  symbols: 'EUR, USD',
  base: 'AUD'


Retrieve information about how currencies fluctuate on a day-to-day basis.

// start - end
const fluctuation = await fixer.fluctuation({
  start_date: '2018-05-05',
  end_date: '2018-05-08'

// start - end with base and symbols
const fluctuation = await fixer.fluctuation({
  start_date: '2018-05-05',
  end_date: '2018-05-08',
  symbols: 'EUR, USD',
  base: 'AUD'

Feature Requests

Do you miss a feature? Please don’t hesitate to create an issue with a short description of your desired addition to this plugin.

Links & Resources

  • exchange rate and currency conversion


We highly appreciate your pull request and any kind of support!

  1. Create a fork
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request 🚀


MIT © Future Studio  ·  GitHub @fs-opensource  ·  Twitter @futurestud_io

npm i fixer-node


  • MIT
  • >=8.0.0
  • Future Studio
  • released 5/16/2018
