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Firm Web3

Subset of original Web3 API with additional certainty checks. I.e. wait for some confirmations (new blocks) before triggering the callback.


// Import the library
import {FirmWeb3, Certainty} from 'firm.web3';

// Create new `FirmWeb3` passing existing `web3` instance.
let firmWeb3 = new FirmWeb3(global.web3);

// Change certainty level (default MEDIUM=4 blocks)
firmWeb3 = firmWeb3.withCertainty(Certainty.HIGH); // wait for 12 blocks

// send transaction and wait for receipt
web3.eth.sendTransaction({...}, (err, txHash) => {
  console.log('Transaction sent.');

  // wait for receipt with sufficient confirmations count
  firmWeb3.getTransactionReceipt(txHash, (err, receipt) => {
    console.log('Transaction has 12 confirmations.');

or without ES2015:

// Import the library
var firmWeb3 = require('firm.web3');

// Create new `FirmWeb3` passing existing `web3` instance.
var firmWeb3 = new firmWeb3.FirmWeb3(global.web3);

// Change certainty level (default MEDIUM=4 blocks)
firmWeb3 = firmWeb3.withCertainty(firmWeb3.Certainty.HIGH); // wait for 12 blocks

// send transaction and wait for receipt
web3.eth.sendTransaction({...}, function (err, txHash) {
  console.log('Transaction sent.');

  // wait for receipt with sufficient confirmations count
  firmWeb3.getTransactionReceipt(txHash, function (err, receipt) {
    console.log('Transaction has 12 confirmations.');



  • firmWeb3.withCertainty(level) - returns a new instance with given certainty level (Certainty.{LOW(2 blocks), MEDIUM(4), HIGH(12)} or just number of blocks),
  • firmWeb3.getTransactionReceipt(hash, callback) - gets a receipt for given hash (will retry up to 24 blocks),
  • firmWeb3.getCode(address, callback) - gets contract code under given address (will retry up to 24 blocks),
  • firmWeb3.filter(filterOptions) - returns a new logs (events) filter,
  • firmWeb3.contract(abiArray) - returns a new contract factory.


  • filter.withCertainty(level) - returns a new filter with changed certainty level,
  • filter.get(callback) - gets current "firm" logs (logs coming from block latest - confirmationLevel),
  • - fires a callback for each new logs specified in filter and happening in block latest - confirmationLevel,
  • filter.stopWatching() - stops watching and uninstall filter.


  • - returns contract with current ABI bound to given address,

  •[...args,] callback) - deploys contract with current ABI and calls back with FirmContract.

  • contract.withCertainty(level) - returns a new contract with different certainty level,

  • contract.allEvents([filterOptions] [, callback]) - returns a filter for all events hapening in contract

  • contract.[eventName]([filterValues] [, filterOptions] [, callback]) - returns a filter for specific event in contract

Parameters values are the same as specified here: JavaScript API


  • [] Better retries handling (each block instead of timeout)
  • [] Information about progress
npm i firm.web3


  • GPL3
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 7/26/2016

