
Firescript language
fire fs firescript


Build Status

Firescript is a script language that compiles into Javascript. A language which uses indention for block scoping, it has a clear and strict syntax, it supports dynamic typing and it's lesser code to write. The compiled output is clean and readable Javascript.

Firescript is written in Node.js and partially in Firescript. It already has a syntax highlighter and linter integration for Atom IDE.

Firescript is under developing, we recommend to not use it for production yet!


import Fruits from './fruits'

export class Banana extends Fruits
    constructor ()
        super() = 'Banana'
        this.color = 'yellow'

    getName ()

    setName (str name)
        return = name
import Banana from './banana'

const banana = new Banana()


The docs page is not ready yet. If you're interested in the planed syntax, please have a look at the docs/lang/ folder.


Firescript requires Node.js 12 or higher.


There are two options to install firescript. The most common option is to install it globaly using npm.

npm install -g firescript

We recommend to install firescript localy. This installs an executable in ./node_modules/.bin which makes Firescript accessable for NPM. Use npx firescript [subcommand].

npm install firescript

Firescript is accessable on commandline by using the firescript command.


Command Line

Firescript comes with a commandline. If you've installed Firescript globally, you should have access to it by the firescript command. Run firescript help to get an overview of all available sub-commands or run firescript help <command> to get a command's help page.


Command Description
build Compiles all .fire files and copies assets, reads project configuration from .firerc.json
copy Copies all assets, configured in .firerc.json by copy option to dest folder
init Initialize new Firescript project at current working dir
help Print a command overview
parse Parse a .fire or .js file into an AST tree
tokenize Tokenize a .fire or a .js file
compile Compiles a .fire file into Javascript or a .js file into Firescript
watch Watch src dir for changes and compiles changed .fire files

Getting started

Create a Firescript project by using the init command. Create a project folder, change into it and run firescript init to initialize a Firescript project.

mkdir ~/Projects/myfsproject
cd myfsproject
npm init
npm install firescript
firescript init

You'll find a .firerc.json file within your project folder. This file contains build and feature configuration.

Firescript uses .fire as file extension. The build command transpiles all .fire files found in the source folder and writes the output to the destination folder. All other files are being ignored during the build process.

Use the Firescript Example project to play a little with it.

Code compilation

Run firescript build to build the project. The firescript watch command re-transpiles files when their content changes. Both commands overwriting existing files without prompting.


Andi Heinkelein [email protected]


Firescript is licensed under the MIT license.

npm i firescript


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Andi Heinkelein
  • released 10/26/2022
