
The Super Simple Finger Protocol (RFC 1288) App Framework
finger rfc1288 app framework


The Super Simple Finger Protocol (RFC 1288) Application Framework


npm install --save fingerer


Below is some sample code that will get you going:

// index.js
var fingerer = require("fingerer");
var fingerService = fingerer();

fingerService.index(function(res) {
    res.write("I'm on the index!");

fingerService.use(/^([a-z \.]+)$/gi, function(res) {
    res.write("I'm on path " + res.matches[0] + "!");

fingerService.listen(function(server) {
    console.log("Finger server listening on " + server.port);

Check out the examples to learn more on how to use fingerer.


FingerService : fingerer()

Creates a fingerer service instance.

FingerService.use([{RegExp|string} queryMatcher], {function} handler)

Installs a query router middleware.

  • queryMatcher - Optional. Either RegExp or String. Is used by the query router to determine if the Strings will be converted to a regular expression.

  • handler - The middleware that will be invoked if the query matches. It takes the following arguments ({Object} res, {function} next). If the handler returns a truthy value the finger service won't close the connection automatically when all middlewares have processed.

    • {Object} res - The responder object. Contains the following:
      • {String} query - The finger client's query
      • {function} write(string[, encoding]) - Writes the given string to socket
      • {function} writeLine(string[, encoding]) - Writes the given string to socket together with a newline at the end
      • {function} flush() - Flushes the strings to the socket and closes the connection.
      • {Array[String]} matches - The regular expression matches from the queryMatcher.
    • {function} next - When invoked will tell the query router to continue to the next middleware.

FingerService.index({function} handler)

Convenience method to FingerService.use(...) with a queryMatcher that matches the null query, i.e. an empty string.

FingerService.listen(function onStart[, {Object} options])

Starts the finger server.

  • onStart - The function will be called when the service has started.
  • options - Options for the finger server. Contains the following parameters:
    • port - The port to listen on. Default: 79 (Port for finger, see RFC 1288).
    • address - The address


Much like middleware in e.g. Express app, a middleware is a function that takes a responder/parameters object and a next function. Calling the next function will tell fingerer to continue to the next middleware.

function myMiddleware(res, next) {
  res.write("Passing through!")


Other than that the following middlewares are also available:

fingerer.disableIndex([{string} rejectMessage])

Creates a middleware that will block other query route handlers or middlewares from being used if the client is using a null query, i.e. empty string. Usage:

// takes a refusal message
var mw = fingerer.disableIndex("You can't look into the index!");
  • rejectMessage - Optional message sent to the finger client when the null query was matched. Default: "Finger online user list denied"


MIT (c) Mikael Brassman 2016

npm i fingerer


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Mikael Brassman
  • released 2/19/2016

