
walk a directory tree recursively with events
find walk directory recursive tree traversal


Recursively walk directory trees. Think /usr/bin/find.

build status


var finder = require('findit')(process.argv[2] || '.');
var path = require('path');

finder.on('directory', function (dir, stat, stop) {
    var base = path.basename(dir);
    if (base === '.git' || base === 'node_modules') stop()
    else console.log(dir + '/')

finder.on('file', function (file, stat) {

finder.on('link', function (link, stat) {


var find = require('findit')

var finder = find(basedir, opts)

Return an event emitter finder that performs a recursive walk starting at basedir.

If you set opts.followSymlinks, symlinks will be followed. Otherwise, a 'link' event will fire but symlinked directories will not be walked.

If basedir is actually a non-directory regular file, findit emits a single "file" event for it then emits "end".

You can optionally specify a custom fs implementation with opts.fs. opts.fs should implement:

  • opts.fs.readdir(dir, cb)
  • opts.fs.lstat(dir, cb)
  • opts.fs.readlink(dir, cb) - optional if your stat objects from opts.fs.lstat never return true for stat.isSymbolicLink()


Stop the traversal. A "stop" event will fire and then no more events will fire.


finder.on('path', function (file, stat) {})

For each file, directory, and symlink file, this event fires.

finder.on('file', function (file, stat) {})

For each file, this event fires.

finder.on('directory', function (dir, stat, stop) {})

For each directory, this event fires with the path dir.

Your callback may call stop() on the first tick to tell findit to stop walking the current directory.

finder.on('link', function (file, stat) {})

For each symlink, this event fires.

finder.on('readlink', function (src, dst) {})

Every time a symlink is read when opts.followSymlinks is on, this event fires.

finder.on('end', function () {})

When the recursive walk is complete unless finder.stop() was called, this event fires.

finder.on('stop', function () {})

When finder.stop() is called, this event fires.

finder.on('error', function (err) {})

Whenever there is an error, this event fires. You can choose to ignore errors or stop the traversal using finder.stop().

You can always get the source of the error by checking err.path.


With npm do:

npm install findit



npm i findit


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • James Halliday
  • released 7/1/2014

