
Find the nearest package.json in your current node module
package.json find directory


Find the nearest package.json in your current node module.

How does it works?

The find-package module will look upstream in every paren directory until it finds a package.json file or return null. If it finds a package.json, it wild require it and return it as an object.


npm install find-package


If you need to access the information in the package.json of your module, simply require the find-package module and pass either __dirname or process.cwd() as the directory from where to look:

var findPackage = require('find-package');

//Should return the name of the current module
//as appears in the package.json

addPaths option

If you pass true as the second argument of find-package, the module will add paths object to the package.json. This object will have a relative and an absolute properties, with the correspondent relative and absolute paths to the package.json. The relative path is relative to the script calling the find-package module:

var package = require('find-package')(__diname, true);

package.paths.relative //string with the relative path to package.json
package.paths.absolute //string with the absolute path to package.json


This modules has been tested only in a UNIX environment. Although, theoretically, it should also work with Windows. If that is not the case, please let me know.

npm i find-package


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Javier Alba
  • released 5/25/2015

