
Export design tokens (font-family, font-sizes, colors, gradients, spacing variables, etc) from Figma to SCSS and/or JavaScript
figma figma to scss figma to javascript figma to html figma to react

🤖 Figmatron2000

Fetch design tokens from Figma's API and output them to files in different formats

Build Status Node Version MIT Licence

Figmatron2000 is a npm package that enables you to:

1. Fetch the data from Figma's API.

2. Extract the design tokens from the retrieved data as variables, in the following formats:

  • JSON
  • SCSS
  • LESS

3. Individually customize the full path to these files, including their file names

If a custom path is not defined, they will be exported to a default location, which is:

└── figmatron2000   <= you'll need to create this directory
    ├── designTokens.json
    ├── designTokens.less
    └── designTokens.scss

4. Connect to Figma by having all configuratoin on a .env file, safely untracked by git.


npm install figmatron2000 --save-dev


To conveniently use Figmatron2000 in your project:

  1. Include this script in your project's package.json (after installing figmatron2000):
"scripts": {
  "figmatron2000": "node ./node_modules/figmatron2000/lib/index.js"

👉 lib/index.js only exist in the npm distribution.

  1. On your project's .env file, include your Figma Client ID, your Figma Token and the paths to Figmatron2000's output:
FIGMA_CLIENT_ID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
TOKEN_FIGMA = 'xxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
EXPORT_PATH_JSON = 'src/figmatron2000/json/designTokens'
EXPORT_PATH_SCSS = 'src/figmatron2000/scss/designTokens'
EXPORT_PATH_LESS = 'src/figmatron2000/less/designTokens'

👉 The paths above are just examples, they can be whatever you'd like them to be, but all directories included in the path need to exist or else the script will not be able to fullfil the export (in this case figmatron2000 under src - and json/scss/less under figmatron2000).

👉 Note that designTokens above is the file name, and that the extension should be omitted. The script will take care of the extensions.


If you intend to contribute with pull-requests or simply try running Figmatron2000 locally, you'd be better off using node v12.14.0 or greater, as to avoid errors with .mjs files.

Use nvm for managing multiple node versions locally.




Figmatron2000 was put together by Wallace Sidhrée. 👨‍💻🇳🇴

npm i figmatron2000


  • MIT
  • ^v12.14.0
  • Wallace Sidhrée
  • released 5/14/2020

