
Fickle objects, with multiple observer contexts.
model observer rivets

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Fickle objects, with multiple observer contexts.

build status

Fickle is intended for situations where there are multiple contexts for receiving notifications about changes, with different requirements such as time-base batch processing, different change-set formats etc.

Fickle has two very simple concepts:


A model is an object with setters and getters:

var ink = fickle({
    name : 'shadow',
    hue : '#333',
    ml : 200,
    stats : { views : 0 },
    tags : ['monochrome'] });

// single value set
ink.set('name', 'smoke');

// multi value set
ink.set({'stats.views' : 1, 'ml' : 80});

// increment views by 2
ink.increment('stats.views', 2);

// decrement views by 1
ink.decrement('stats.views', 1);

// get stats
ink.get('stats') // -> { views : 2 }

// push a value onto an array
ink.push('tags', 'special');
ink.get('tags'); // -> ['monochrome', 'special']

// insert a value at a given index of an array
ink.insert('tags', 'dark', 0);
ink.get('tags'); // -> ['dark', 'monochrome', 'special']

// 'empty' a value: reduces a string to '', an object to {}, an array to []
ink.get('tags'); // -> []

// delete a value
ink.get('stats'); // -> {}


In Fickle, models are observed through an 'Observer Context'. Contexts determine the manner in which observers are updated, and provide methods for registering observer functions.

var ink = fickle({
    name : 'shadow',
    hue : '#333',
    ml : 200,
    stats : { views : 0 },
    tags : ['monochrome'] });

// A default context updates as soon as changes come in, this is great for
// connecting to view logic.
var viewCtx = fickle.context(); 

// A batching context is useful when updating the server, this one updates
// observers at a maximum frequency of 5 seconds
serverCtx = fickle.context({
    cacheTime : 5000

// observe a specific key path on an object with 'on'
viewCtx.on(ink, 'name', function(obj, name) { 
    console.log("name changed to", name); 

// observe any changes
serverCtx.onAny(ink, function(obj, changes) { 
    console.log("saving fields:", changes); 
    //save changes to server ...

// set and get some values..
ink.set('name', 'slate');
ink.set({name : 'silver', hue : '#777'});

// output:
name changed to slate
name changed to silver
saving fields: {'name' : 'silver', 'hue' : '#777'}

// pausing a context stops it receiving any updates

// clearing a context unbinds observers
npm i fickle


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Pomke
  • released 1/5/2015

