
FeedHenry REST API routes

fh-webapp is part one of a two-part replacement for fh-nodeapp. Webapp is the "'"hostapp" part of fh-nodeapp, that which makes public endpoints from exported functions in cloud/main.js. It also hosts some system-level piping to help the studio determine if an app is online, the endpoints it exposes), and introduces a new namespace - /mbaas.

#Usage Add the following to the 'dependencies' section of your 'cloud/package.json' file:

"fh-webapp" : "*",
"fh-api" : "*",
"express" : "3.3.4"

Add a file to your FeedHenry app 'cloud/application.js', with the following contents:

var webapp = require('fh-webapp');
var express = require('express');
$fh = require('fh-api');
var mainjs = require('main.js');

var app = express();
app.use('/sys', webapp.sys(mainjs));
app.use('/mbaas', webapp.mbaas);
app.use('/cloud', webapp.cloud(mainjs));

// You can define custom URL handlers here, like this one:
app.use('/', function(req, res){
  res.end('Your Cloud App is Running');

module.exports = app.listen(process.env.FH_PORT || process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT || 8001);

##Customising & Extending The above application.js is just an Expressjs application - it's easily extensible. ###Custom APIs You can create custom API handlers in the Express format by doing:

app.use('/myapi', function(req, res){
  res.end('My custom response');

###Serving Static Files Express has a built-in static file server. In this example, we host files under the public directory:

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));



###(POST | GET | PUT) /cloud/:someFunction Authentication : Optional - can be enabled globally or on a per-endpoint basis under "Endpoints" section of the studio. Response formats : JSON, binary, plain text

###Headers x-fh-auth-app : API key of your application, found under the "details" section of the studio.

###Body: JSON format - paramaters to be passed to the exported function, see 'Writing API Functions'. ###Response: Result as passed to the callback function of the exported function - see 'Writing API Functions'.

###Writing API functions The cloud namespace exposes the public functions of a javascript file of your choice (traditionally 'main.js') as public endpoints under the cloud URL namespace. :someFunction is the name of a function attached to the 'exports' object. These functions take two paramaters - the first is the data sent in the POST, the second is the callback function to call.

exports.getConfig = function (params, callback){
  // Do some work here, then return data
  var err = false;

  // Check if some error condition happened first
  if (err){
    return callback(err);
  return callback(null, res);

##mBaaS ###POST /mbaas/db Authentication : Required - App API key goes here. Response format : JSON

###Headers x-fh-auth-app : API key of your application, found under the "details" section of the studio.

###POST Body: JSON body - same as $fh.db params. A summary of body options follows - For more, see $fh.db docs

    "act": "create|update|list|delete|deleteall",
    "type": "collectionName",
    "guid": "GUID of object operating on - not required for list or deleteall",
    "fields": "JSON definition of fields - required for create|update",
    "eq|ne|in" : "JSON definition of query to match - supported for list only"

###Response: As per $fh.db

##Sys ##GET /sys/info/ping Authentication : None Response formats : Plaintext

###Headers None

###Response: "OK" if application is running as expected. Will respond with a 404 otherwise

##GET /sys/info/endpoints Authentication : None Response formats : JSON

###Headers None

###Response: { endpoints : ['array of endpoints exported as public functions'] }

##GET /sys/info/memory Authentication : None Response formats : JSON

###Headers None

###Response: { rss: 13721600, // Resident set size heapTotal: 7195904, // V8's total available memory heapUsed: 2369744 // V8's used memory }

##GET /sys/info/memory Authentication : None Response formats : Plaintext

###Headers None

###Response: 0.1.0


