
FeedHenry Stats Client

fh-statsc(1) -- The FeedHenry Stats Client

npm package

Build status Dependency Status Known Vulnerabilities

Project Info
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Build: npm
Documentation: http://docs.feedhenry.com/v3/api/cloud_api.html
Issue tracker: https://issues.jboss.org/projects/FH/summary
Mailing list: feedhenry-dev (subscribe)
IRC: #feedhenry channel in the freenode network.


The Stats Client allows applications to send stats to the stats server


  • node.js

  • npm (the Node Package Manager)


fh-statsc is deployed using npm. The statsc package (fh-statsc-.tar.gz) can be installed via npm, either by copying the package to the local host or installing over http.

To install (on ubuntu):

sudo npm install fh-statsc-.tar.gz

The necessary node dependency modules are also installed automatically.

You can upgrade an existing intallation with the same command.

Running and Configuration

To run the Statsc Client you must pass a config file on the command line. For a sample configuration file, see 'dev.json' in the config directory.

E.g: fh-statsc /etc/feedhenry/fh-statsc/conf.json


It is not intended that the stats client be run as a server. It is a library that can be called from withing applications, and a commandline tool that can send stats to the stats server

npm i fh-statsc

