
an unoptimized flat file json database


ff-jsondb is a simple and (currently) unoptimized flat file JSON database. It was created to allow reading/writing to the database without use of this API, and to be minimal and straight forward. The entire API is synchronous, and I don't feel bad about that one bit.



  • db_path {String}
  • Returns new JSONDB() instance

require('ff-jsondb') returns a function that creates a new JSONDB() instance at the given db_path. db_path is the path to the folder to the database. A relative db_path is resolved against the script's process.cwd() (i.e. the path where the script was executed).

db.get(key[, regex_name[, callback]])

  • key {String}
  • regex_name {RegExp}
  • callback {Function}
  • Returns {Object}

Retrieve the JSON file(s) at given key. The key is actually a folder path and file name of the JSON file. For example:


Where from db_path in the folder foo/ it will retrieve the file bar (technically bar.json, but for simplicity that's omitted). So it is possible to store data in the same path as the file. For example:

db.set('/foo/bar', { foo: 'bar' });
db.set('/foo/bar/baz', { bar: 'baz' });

If regex_name is passed then a directory lookup is done for all files matching the passed RegExp. The return value is an Object whose keys are the names of the matching entries.

If callback is passed then each entry that matches regex_name will be passed to callback. This is to help prevent cases where there are too many matches to be contained in one object. Here's an example:

db.get('/path', /pattern/, function(id, data) {
  // The "this" of the callback is always the "db".
  // "id" is the name of the entry.
  // "data" is the json object in the entry.

Remember that this operation is not asynchronous. If callback is passed then db.get() will return undefined. If callback returns true then the operation will stop and no more entries will be passed to the user.

db.getRaw(key[, regex_name[, callback]])

  • key {String}
  • regex_name {RegExp}
  • callback {Function}
  • Returns {Buffer} or {Object}

Same as db.get() except instead of automatically running JSON.parse() on the data it returns a Buffer or an Object of Buffers.

db.set(key, value)

  • key {String}
  • value {Buffer}, {String} or {Object}

Replace contents at key with value. Sorry, it's all or nothing here. Either a Buffer, String or Object can be passed. Objects will be passed to JSON.stringify().


Delete entry at location key. key is always a file, not a directory. So no deleting many records at once. For now at least.


  • key {String}
  • Returns {Boolean}

Return whether the key entry exists in the database.

db.listEntries(key[, regex])

  • key {String}
  • regex {RegExp} Optional
  • Returns {Array} of matches

Returns an array of matches at key of any JSON files.

db.listDirs(key[, regex])

  • key {String}
  • regex {RegExp} Optional
  • Returns {Array} of matches

Returns an array of matches at key of any directories.

db.countEntries(key[, regex])

  • key {String}
  • regex {RegExp} Optional
  • Returns {Number} of matching results

Get the number of entries matching key and regex.

npm i ff-jsondb


  • MIT
  • >=4.0.0
  • Trevor Norris
  • released 7/16/2016

