
Feathers hook utility for schema validation, sanitization and client notification using Joi.
feathers feathersjs hook hooks validate validation joi


Feathers hook utility for schema validation and sanitization using Joi. Joi error messages are converted to web/mobile friendly formats, and optionally translated for clarity or internationalization.

Build Status Coverage Status

Code Example

const Joi = require('joi');
const validate = require('feathers-hooks-validate-joi');

const name = Joi.string().trim().min(5).max(30)
  .regex(/^[\sa-zA-Z0-9]$/, 'letters, numbers and spaces').required();
const password = Joi.string().trim().min(2).max(30).required();
const schema = Joi.object().keys({
  name: name,
  confirmPassword: password.label('Confirm password'),
const joiOptions = { convert: true, abortEarly: false };

(1) Validate sanitize data. The client receives any errors in a format suitable for forms which also seems to be recommend by Feathers.

export.before = {
  create: [ validate.form(schema, joiOptions) ],
  update: [ validate.form(schema, joiOptions) ],
  patch: [ validate.form(schema, joiOptions) ]

(2) Errors are returned in a Mongoose format.

export.before = {
  create: [ validate.mongoose(schema, joiOptions) ],
  update: [ validate.mongoose(schema, joiOptions) ],
  patch: [ validate.mongoose(schema, joiOptions) ]

(3) Internationalize or clarify Joi error messages.

function i18n(str) { return str; } // internationalization

const translations = {
  'string.min': () => i18n('"${key}" must be ${limit} or more chars.'),
  'string.regex.base': (context) => {
    switch (context.pattern.toString()) {
      case /^[\sa-zA-Z0-9]{5,30}$/.toString():
        return i18n('"${key}" must consist of letters, digits or spaces.');

export.before = {
  create: [ validate.mongoose(schema, joiOptions, translations) ],
  update: [ validate.mongoose(schema, joiOptions, translations) ],
  patch: [ validate.mongoose(schema, joiOptions, translations) ]

Note: Data values in the $set operator are not validated. You could use joi-errors-for-forms for that.


Data must be validated and sanitized before the database is changed. The client must be informed of any errors using a schema friendly to web/mobile apps.

This repo helps implement this in Feathers CRUD hooks.


Install Nodejs.

Run npm install feathers-hooks-validate-joi --save in your project folder.

You can then require the utilities.

API Reference

To do.


npm test to run tests.

npm run cover to run tests plus coverage.

A Note on Internationalization

The options in Joi.validate(value, schema, options, cb)supports a language option with which you can change Joi error messages in bulk.

You can then internationalize your field names and regex descriptions in the schema, e.g.

Joi.string().regex(/^[\sa-zA-Z0-9]$/, i18n('letters, number and spaces')).label(i18n('Confirm password'))

These are suitable methods to internationalize the majority of Joi error messages.




npm i feathers-hooks-validate-joi


  • MIT
  • >4.2.4
  • John Szwaronek
  • released 2/5/2018

