
A performant and simple module for handling translations.
translation localization i18n translate


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A performant module for handling translations.


npm install fast-translation


const { Translator } = require('fast-translation');

const translator = new Translator();
translator.addRule('en-US', [1, 2], (count) => count !== 1 ? 0 : 1);
  test: {
    key: '__count__ bird'
    key_plural_2: '__count__ birds'
}, 'en-US', 'default');
await translator.initialize();
translator.translate('test.key', { language: 'en-US' }); // 1 bird
translator.translate('test.key', { language: 'en-US', count: 2 }); // 2 birds
translator.translate('test.key', { language: 'en-US', namespace: 'default' }); // 1 bird


Interpolation allows to insert values into the translations:

  birds: 'a __color__ bird'
}, 'en-US', 'default');
await translator.initialize();
translator.translate('birds', { language: 'en-US', color: 'blue' }) // a blue bird


There are three possible types of keys:

  1. Keys representing the singular: key
  2. Keys representing first plural: key_plural
  3. Keys representing any plural (using the plurals specified with addRule): key_plural_3




preloadLanguages (optional)

Array of languages to be loaded with sources.

preloadNamespaces (optional)

Array of namespaces to be loaded with sources.

reloadInterval (optional)

A number in milliseconds that defines the interval to reload the translations.

logger (optional)

If set it will log errors during reload using the provided logger. Needs at least an error() function.


Adds a source for translations. There are two kind of sources being provided:

const { FileSource, HttpSource } = require('fast-translation');
const httpSource = new HttpSource({
  url: `http://localhost:${port}/locales/__language__/__namespace__`
const fileSource = new FileSource({
  filePath: __dirname + `/locales/__language__-__namespace__.json`


Initializes the translator. Returns a Promise.

Translator#translate(key, options)

Translates the provided key using the provided options. All placeholders will be replaced by the values provided with the options.

translator.translate('a.key', { language: 'en' })

The process of finding a translation works as follows (assuming the key is known):

  1. Determine the count: Either options.count or 1.
  2. Determine the plural: Call the rule function for the language with the count.
  3. Determine the namespace: Either options.namespace or default.
  4. Build an identifier from the key, language, plural and namespace.
  5. Use the identifier to find a translation function, execute it with the options and return the result.

Note: If translate() is being called with an unknown key the key will be returned.


The language that will be used to translate the key will be translated to.

options#namespace (optional)

The namespace that will be used to translate the key. Defaults to default.

options#count (optional)

A number used to determine the plural for the key. Defaults to 1.

Translator#addRule(language, plurals, rule)

Adds a plural rule function for a language along with an array of plurals that will be used to determine the correct plural.

translator.addRule('de-DE', [1, 2], (count) => count !== 1 ? 0 : 1)

Translator#addTranslations(translations, language, [namespace])

If no namespace is being passed it defaults to default. The translations may contain placeholders like __placeholder__.

For each key a function is being created and stored internally, that handles translation and interpolation for that key.


Reloads the translations using the sources. Allows to pass a handler function that will be called if an error occurs.


> node benchmark/benchmark.js

i18next x 225,728 ops/sec ±1.10% (84 runs sampled)
fast-translation x 5,130,229 ops/sec ±0.59% (90 runs sampled)
Fastest is fast-translation



npm i fast-translation


  • MIT
  • >=8.0.0
  • Denis Fäcke
  • released 8/11/2019

