
Integration examples and demos for famous-angular


Integration examples of Famo.us + AngularJS


The easy way

  1. Make sure that you have npm installed
  2. In your terminal, run npm install -g serve
  3. In your terminal, change your directory to famous-angular-examples/app
  4. In your terminal, run serve

You should then be able to open the examples at http://localhost:3000

The more powerful way

  1. Make sure that you have npm installed
  2. In your terminal, run npm install -g gulp
  3. In your terminal, run npm install to install package dependencies, including bower dependencies
  4. In your terminal, from the famous-angular-examples base directory, run gulp

You should then be able to open the examples at http://localhost:4000

The most powerful way, for library development

(if you want to make changes to the main famous-angular library and have those changes take effect live in this examples project)

  1. Make sure that you have npm installed
  2. Check out the main Famo.us/Angular repository, following the instructions in its README.md
  3. In your terminal, change directory to the famous-angular-examples directory that's INSIDE of the famous-angular directory. If you followed the library setup examples in the README.md, the famous-angular-examples submodule should be initialized and ready to go.
  4. In your terminal, run npm install to install package dependencies, including bower dependencies
  5. Back in the main famous-angular directory, run npm install
  6. Ensure you have gulp installed with npm install -g gulp
  7. From the main famous-angular directory, run gulp dev

Then open http://localhost:4000 in your browser.

####Troubleshooting If nothing loads try changing the default server port in gulpfile.js and re-run gulp.

npm i famous-angular-examples


